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The Courts

Trump To Sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey ( 435

Former President Donald Trump, who has complained about censorship by social media giants, plans to announce class action lawsuits today against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Axios reported Wednesday. From the report: It's the latest escalation in Trump's yearslong battle with Twitter and Facebook over free speech and censorship. Trump is completely banned from Twitter and is banned from Facebook for another two years. Trump is scheduled to make an announcement at a press conference today at 11 am. Trump's legal effort is supported by the America First Policy Institute, a non-profit focused on perpetuating Trump's policies. The group's president and CEO and board chair, former Trump officials Linda McMahon and Brooke Rollins, will accompany him during the announcement. Class action lawsuits would enable him to sue the two tech CEOs on behalf of a broader group of people that he argues have been censored by biased policies. To date, Trump and other conservative critics have not presented any substantial evidence that either platform is biased against conservatives in its policies or implementation of them.
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Trump To Sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey

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  • by frith01 ( 1118539 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @10:49AM (#61558943)

    tRumpy poo has his feelings hurt, so he is calling his lawyers. He has never grown up and will never stop lying.

  • He will lose (Score:5, Insightful)

    by jonbryce ( 703250 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @10:51AM (#61558953) Homepage

    Even if Twitter were found to be biased against conservatives, he wouldn't have a case, as they are allowed to be.

    What he is asking the court to do is violate Twitter's first amendment right not to be forced to carry speech they don't want to publish. In less democratic countries, companies are frequently forced to publish things praising the government. That is not permitted in the USA.

    • No, he will win (Score:5, Insightful)

      by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:02AM (#61559017)
      because he'll do a massive fund raising push off this, bringing in millions of dollars of free money from his fanbase.

      His fanbase will lose. They'll give him millions of dollars they can't afford. Also Televangelists will lose, as Trump and them are going after the same base of desperate, frightened and confused people who can't afford to be giving what little money they have but do so anyway.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by pauljlucas ( 529435 )

        His fanbase will lose.

        Stupidity should be painful.

        • by thomst ( 1640045 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @03:36PM (#61560257) Homepage

          pauljlucas sneered:

          Stupidity should be painful.

          No, foolish behavior should be painful. Arrogant ignorance should be painful. Bigotry should be painful.

          Stupidity is, unfortunately for the stupid, an incurable, inherent defect. You don't achieve stupidity, you're born with it. Punishing humans for birth defects is pointlessly evil, just like punishing them for physical characteristics over which they have no control - red hair, for instance, or ingrown toenails.

          It'd be nice if people were capable of curing their mental defects just by wanting to do so, just as it would be nice if they could cure physical ones. Unfortunately for the magical thinkers of the planet, wishing does not, in fact, make it so.

          Fortuitously for you, however, empathy and compassion are learnable skills ...

      • because he'll do a massive fund raising push off this, bringing in millions of dollars of free money from his fanbase.

        His fanbase will lose. They'll give him millions of dollars they can't afford. Also Televangelists will lose, as Trump and them are going after the same base of desperate, frightened and confused people who can't afford to be giving what little money they have but do so anyway.

        I wonder how effective will his fundraising will be now that he's off Twitter and Facebook.

    • But Trump has the best lawyers money can't buy.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      This only applies when the free market exists; These are corporations managed to remove all competitors. They could be considered as public goods, in this specific case they are required to enforce the first amendment.

    • by dfm3 ( 830843 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:10AM (#61559059) Journal
      It's not about winning the lawsuit. There are three ways this benefits him, regardless of the outcome:

      1) It keeps Trump in the news, and we all know he thrives on media attention.

      2) It keeps up appearances of "fighting the fight" in a brand of politics where you never back down, never admit defeat, and never compromise.

      3) If (when) he loses, his base will become even more energized under the belief that his loss is the result of a liberal conspiracy involving widespread infiltration and corruption of the court system. And, as a bonus, any negative press coverage will only confirm his followers' perception of the "liberal media" being out to make Trump look bad.
    • The best part is... Twitter and Facebook both retain all the data they need to win this. There doesn't need to be a whole lot of discovery, and I could totally see them entering into evidence (and therefore publishing) the draft and private messages from tRump that the public hasn't seen yet. Quick! Make some popcorn!

    • You're absolutely correct, but I can't help but feel like I'm watching two bullies fight on the playground. As long as it's long and bloody, I'm glad it's happening.
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      In less democratic countries, companies are frequently forced to publish things praising the government. That is not permitted in the USA.

      Well, if Trump manages to convince the moronic masses to elect him a 2nd time, that is something he will sure try to change. While I doubt he would succeed, if he gets to name enough supreme court judges, he may lay the foundations for that change. The Republicans would not stop him. Most of them do not even pretend to be decent people these days and the few that do or are and dare voice criticism get neutralized quickly.

  • Keep moving... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by garyisabusyguy ( 732330 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @10:51AM (#61558955)

    ...nothing to see here but the end of a national embarrassment

  • What's it called again, the system where politicians control private companies and can force them to do their bidding?
    • by celeb8 ( 682138 )
    • by quall ( 1441799 )

      Where did you read that Trump was trying to do that? We have a system that allows publishers to post whatever they want, but then they're also liable for the things they post. How is that a bad thing? This is where Twitter belongs if that's how they're going to operate. Why should they get special treatment over other service providers?

      If you think that's OK, then why isn't your ISP allowed to block you from visiting a website that they don't like, such as a politically-loaded news article? If you think tha

    • If politicians control the media and the economy it's called dictatorship. If the media and the economy control politicians, we call it democracy.

  • So they are fighting for my right to spam twitter with ads and too? I mean, that's "free speech" too. Twitter and Facebook should have to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Remember these conservatives are the same ones who said a bakery should be allowed to refuse to service to gay people. Twitter should have the right to make their platform only allow ultra-conservative viewpoints. Conservatives don't allow liberals on their right-wing talk shows. Every person should be allowed to make the

  • Wait... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @10:59AM (#61559003)
    Does this mean liberals can sue the CEO of Fox, for not giving equal time to liberal voices?
    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Heh, even funnier : if this worked, it would open the floodgates for liberals suing facebook for censorship. Facebook has a long history of 'death threats and misogynistic rants against women is fine, but posting 'men are trash' is hate speech that will land you in FB jail'. At the end of the day, FB hires the cheapest moderators they can, and that means conservatives from rural area or india.
  • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:01AM (#61559013)

    His jet is the equivalent of a car sitting on up blocks in the driveway now. Need some fast cash to get that baby fixed up. []

  • Donald Trump is dangerous supervillain with the morals of a spoiled child, whose father is Satan.
    • C'mon. All he is is a spoiled rich kid in the body of a grown man. That's all. He's just what happens when someone has so much money that nobody ever started saying "no, asshole" to him.

  • by goldspider ( 445116 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:16AM (#61559105) Homepage

    (AKA heavy-handed moderation) ...then repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act like Trump wanted to.

  • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:22AM (#61559135)

    I am not sure how so many Americans failed to see that Trump is a Textbook Narcissist. Only cares for himself, unable to admit that they did anything wrong, and often will fail to learn from a mistake. The most pain you can do to a Narcissist is to ignore them, and have them be alone with their own thoughts.

    However I don't think these companies banned him to punish Trump, but to save their own businesses. Prominent figures like then president Trump would create a lot of traffic on the social media sites, in which Advertisers and give impressions to more people. So if Trump says something untruthful, or encourages people to do criminal or harmful activists, then the Social Media Companies will be profiting off of it, as well their Advertisers may be tied to that message as well.

    Thus the advertisers may not want to be responsible for the actions of its followers so they may no longer pay the social media company for Ad's there, and the Social Media company will be out of revenue.

    They also don't have any responsibility to aid in anyone first amendment rights, If the Social Media Companies loose, then I could see a lot of lawsuits going to Right Leaning media companies for not covering all the the good stuff that Liberals have done, and no longer allowing being called an Entertainment company as an excuse to allow them to post what they want.

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:46AM (#61559285)

      The really sad part is that they didn't fail to see it.

      Trump is the textbook example for the Dark Triad []. Which is actually pretty attractive to some people. It looks like the person is assertive and can get shit done. Some people do like that in a leader. Especially in a culture that values ellbow tactics as a means to get ahead and consider the quality of not caring what toes someone steps on as an asset in the personality of a person rather than a character flaw.

      The reason why you don't want to be known as a platform for such people is that it rubs off on you. These people tend to be very vocal and don't hold back with their opinions. They are prominent, in every sense of the word. And they will dominate your platform, if you let them. This in turn means that people who do not agree with these people will start to cease using your platform, which in turn makes you more and more dependent on that person.

      And the very last thing you would ever want is to be dependent on a person with a Dark Triad personality.

  • Looking at the vast amount of conservative, right-wing and outright neonazi content on both platforms, and the way their apologists attack others verbally, I can't help rolling on the floor laughing about the point the Trump team is trying to make. The really interesting part will be Twitter and FB to argue that they do, in fact, promote such content.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I'm not saying all conservatives are neo nazis. I'm just saying I've never once seen a Biden flag at a white power rally.

  • by dmomo ( 256005 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:28AM (#61559167)

    Court cases are not always about winning. They are just as much about muddying the waters, gumming up the works, and creating buzz. We've seen first hand what his base thinks about cases that are thrown out.

  • by dyfet ( 154716 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @11:28AM (#61559175) Homepage

    This is a case where I dont want any of them to win...

    • by dysmal ( 3361085 )

      Toss in Oracle and then let nature take its course.

    • This is America. Trump will lose the case. Dorsey and Zuck will lose money in legal fees. The only winners here are lawyers and sadly Trump's fund, because you know he's going to milk his base for support.

  • Defeat this villainous scoundrel!
  • DeSantis just market tested [] this fund raising technique. I can see how Trump would figure that well ain't dry.
  • by dschnur ( 61074 ) on Wednesday July 07, 2021 @02:08PM (#61559985)
    Trump is following his modus operandi. How the case comes out in court, or if there is even a case, is irrelevant.

    Here's how it goes:

    1: Come up with a complaint that is going to take lots of money to solve. It doesn't matter if it can be solved in his favor or not.
    2: Get his base worked up.
    3: See donations roll in.

    This isn't about him loosing his political voice. It's about him seeing an opportunity to profit.
    • And I'm here for it. Those dumb fucks deserve to be fleeced of all their money, and they deserve to catch the latest strain of Covid as well. Fuck 'em. I hope Trump rakes in $1B from these suckers. I'm somewhat of a right-leaning moderate and I despise Trumpsters more than most of the farthest left numpties you'll see on MSNBC or

May Euell Gibbons eat your only copy of the manual!
