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Downloading Stays Legal, No Site Blocking, Swiss Copyright Law Says ( 48

From a report: Switzerland's National Council has passed amendments aimed at modernizing the country's copyright law to make it more fit for the digital age. While services that host pirate sites or distribute content can expect a tougher ride moving forward, users will still be able to download pirate content for personal use. Furthermore, Swiss Internet service providers will not be required to prevent their customers accessing pirate sites.
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Downloading Stays Legal, No Site Blocking, Swiss Copyright Law Says

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  • Silly Summary (Score:5, Insightful)

    by BringsApples ( 3418089 ) on Thursday September 19, 2019 @02:14PM (#59213566)

    The summary stopped right before the good part of TFA:

    Furthermore, Swiss Internet service providers will not be required to prevent their customers accessing pirate sites.

    ...and they're doing this against the wishes of the USA. Can't wait to see more countries go against the USA's wishes.

    • This is quite a contrast with Australia as well, isn't it?

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by b0s0z0ku ( 752509 )
      Switzerland is a truly free country -- "land of the free" in the USA and US-influenced countries is a bad fucking joke.
      • Re:Silly Summary (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Kokuyo ( 549451 ) on Thursday September 19, 2019 @02:34PM (#59213656) Journal

        Swiss here. I'm flabberghasted that they actually upheld our rights for once.

        Don't be too impressed. There's a lot of shit going wrong in Switzerland. We're not at all better than other countries.

        • by DontBeAMoran ( 4843879 ) on Thursday September 19, 2019 @02:42PM (#59213676)

          There's a lot of shit going wrong in Switzerland.

          Like the holes in your cheese, for example.

        • Re:Silly Summary (Score:5, Insightful)

          by BringsApples ( 3418089 ) on Thursday September 19, 2019 @02:55PM (#59213722)

          Brother, there's a lot going wrong in the whole world. But at least the Swiss have something going right.

          We're not at all better than other countries.

          ...said the Swiss guy, in English, to a bunch of folks that didn't bother to learn any of the languages native to Switzerland.
          Thanks for posting in English.

          • Ever hear of google translate asshole? BringsApples Ãr en dum mamma jÃvla rÃvhÃ¥l.
            • Ja, jeg har hørt om google translate. C'est très utile. Ciò che è più utile, è esprimere l'amore, piuttosto che odiare. In Hass war Hitler gut. Eti mai bun decât Hitler.

          • I learned French at school.

            and when I went to Germany, nobody spoke French, they spoke English though.
            And when I went to Denmark, nobody expected me to speak Danish (only Danes do) and none spoke French but they all spoke English.
            And when I went to Lithuania, nobody spoke French, some spoke Russian but most spoke English.

            And when I went to France.. they all spoke French too fast for me to understand.

            Its easy for people in most countries to choose a second language - its English. Unless you're a native Engli

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              by Corbets ( 169101 )

              That’s a bit of a cop out. I’m an American who studied Spanish literature at one point (my skills in that language have since degraded), and I can tell you that Spanish is a very common language around the world.

              I also lived in Switzerland for a dozen years and speak fluent German, with an understanding of many dialects. There, many people’s second language was either French, German or Italian - you know, one of the other official languages of the country. English was often the third.

              I cur

              • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

                I am an introvert computer geek Croatian Australian and I only learned sufficient Croatian to order food and drink and swear, nothing as satisfying as swearing in Croatian the insults are just so, well, over the top and satisfying. I found other languages to be far more useful, like [], I learned so many over the decades I got really bad at them all.

                When downloading you have no legal responsibility, not even if it is actual criminal content (it is criminal if you keep it and d

            • Let me summarize what you said in a way that will leave you with the same impression that I'm left with...

              I learned French at school.
              I went to countries that don't have French-speaking people, so I had to fall back on the only other language that I know - English.

              I went to France, but I don't actually speak French well, so I had to fall back on the only other language that I know - English.

              People in other countries learn English, and I am not thankful at all.

              I went to India and learned to speak Tamil. I didn't speak it very well, certainly not fluent to any degree. But whenever I spoke it to the locals, they were sooo happy and thanked me for speaking their language. They taught me so well.

          • But my hovercraft is full of eels!

        • by 4im ( 181450 )

          Swiss here. I'm flabberghasted that they actually upheld our rights for once.

          Don't be too impressed. There's a lot of shit going wrong in Switzerland. We're not at all better than other countries.

          Oh please... don't undersell your country. I did my studies in Switzerland, so I know quite some of its ups and downs. There's many places a lot less palatable than the Confoederatio Helvetica. And the landscape is just great. I'd visit much more often if the place weren't quite that expensive...

          • by Kokuyo ( 549451 )

            Oh I am well aware that whe have a lot of good qualities, but we're also squandering many of them.

            To be honest, I'd love to find the perfect mix between Switzerland's (past) neutrality and independence, America's freedom (although I define that differently than most will assume) and Germany's social nets (although I'd restrict those just a tad bit. Not much, but a bit).

      • Plus is it true that every adult citizen keeps a fully automatic assault weapon in their homes as apart of a true national militia? Woo-hoo!!!!! (Plus, a county that still produces EXCELLENT mechanical watch movements)
    • The EU top puppets started to, for the very first time, say no to the US leadership*, around this summer. As a direct result of Trump's behavior.

      The question is, if they actually aquired balls, or were just told by their industry owners to oppose him.
      OK, not a question. They don't have any mounting sockets for balls or a spine.

      _ _ _
      * Please don't just say $country. Most people in the US had no choice. Trump or Hillary is not a choice. Like pest and cholera.

  • by YuppieScum ( 1096 ) on Thursday September 19, 2019 @03:26PM (#59213826) Journal

    I expect to see a massive upsurge in VPN providers offering Swiss end-points.

    • qq swiss tor exit nodes
    • Doesn't work that way. Instead, since downloading is legal in Switzerland, all those sites will just block Swiss IP addresses. It'll be the other way around and Swiss people will use a VPN to pretend they aren't Swiss. Then when they get sued or accused, they'll say, "Surprise, I'm Swiss...sucker."

      • I guess the swiss have their own download sites or just use the same as the germans, some where from or

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Depends what to download still is.
      The part about "Uploading has always been outlawed and that aspect has not changed."
      P2P that never does the uploading "P" part?

Any circuit design must contain at least one part which is obsolete, two parts which are unobtainable, and three parts which are still under development.
