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Privacy Crime The Courts United States Technology

Capital One Hacker Stole 'Terabytes' of Data From More Than 30 Companies, Court Docs Reveal ( 39

Paige A. Thompson, the hacker accused of breaching US bank Capital One, is also believed to have stolen data from more than 30 other companies, US prosecutors said in new court documents filed today and obtained by ZDNet. From the report: "The government's investigation over the last two weeks has revealed that Thompson's theft of Capital One's data was only one part of her criminal conduct," US officials said in a memorandum for extending Thompson's detention period. "The servers seized from Thompson's bedroom during the search of Thompson's residence, include not only data stolen from Capital One, but also multiple terabytes of data stolen by Thompson from more than 30 other companies, educational institutions, and other entities." US prosecutors said the "data varies significantly in both type and amount," but, based on currently available information, "much of the data appears not to be data containing personal identifying information."
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Capital One Hacker Stole 'Terabytes' of Data From More Than 30 Companies, Court Docs Reveal

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