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Piracy Movies Entertainment

'Avengers: Endgame' Footage Leaks on Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter ( 80

Despite Disney's efforts to keep as much of Avengers: Endgame under wraps as possible before the latest Marvel blockbuster hits theaters next week, several minutes of blurry Avengers: Endgame footage have leaked. From a report: The footage reveals some significant plot details, and GIFs, screenshots and descriptions -- none of which we're sharing here -- are spreading across the likes of Twitter and Reddit. Given the level of anticipation and hype surrounding Avengers: Endgame, Disney has trodden very carefully when it comes to revealing information about the movie. Press and critics have yet to see the film and you can bet everyone involved with the production has had to sign iron-clad non-disclosure agreements. However, Disney has shown critics 10 minutes of footage in the US and around 20 minutes in South Korea.
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'Avengers: Endgame' Footage Leaks on Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 16, 2019 @11:28AM (#58444544)

    [removed by admin]

  • Star Trek is where it's at. See leaked footage of the next movie: []

    You will thank me later. Or not. :-)

  • by mea2214 ( 935585 ) on Tuesday April 16, 2019 @11:51AM (#58444686)
    Fixed the headline. Viral Marketing 101: The number of people who will want to see this blurry footage is directly proportional to the number of link take downs.
    • That's awful. Here they are artists struggling with how to best express their vision on the screen, and you come along and suggest a cynical marketing ploy? A leading Hollywood studio like Disney doing something strictly for filthy money? How dare you! They brought you Steamboat Willie(c1928), and this is how you repay them?

  • Endgame my butt. There'll be at least three more Avengers movies within the next decade, guaranteed.
  • That seems like an odd place to air extra footage...

  • Antman flies up Thanos's butt and expands!
  • by Can'tNot ( 5553824 ) on Tuesday April 16, 2019 @01:14PM (#58445154)
    What is the point in showing critics a tiny snippet of the film like that? Their job is to review the film, the whole film, and there's no way they can do that with only 10-20 minutes.

    It's obviously related to marketing somehow, are they hoping that the critics will aid the hype by reviewing just the tiny bit that they saw? "I have no idea about the whole movie, but there's at least ten minutes that are worth watching in there." Would any legitimate critic do that?
    • We are in a post-critics world right now. There are no critics, there are only people who love the movie and *evil CIS white men*.

  • Man, you're going to be shocked when you find out the movie isn't anything like that footage.

Pascal is a language for children wanting to be naughty. -- Dr. Kasi Ananthanarayanan
