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Steubenville Hacker Faces Longer Prison Sentence Than the Rapists 297

joeflies writes "In a previous Slashdot article, hackers worked to preserve content for the Steubenville rape case. The two football players charged received juvenile detention sentences of one and two years. One of the hackers, on the other hand, faces 10 years in prison."
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Steubenville Hacker Faces Longer Prison Sentence Than the Rapists

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 09, 2013 @06:46AM (#43951459)

    If an 11yo can be tried as an adult...


  • predictable (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 09, 2013 @07:12AM (#43951533)

    The rapist is a danger to the individual. The hacker is a danger to the government. Now you know which is held in higher regard in our new fundamentally reshaped America.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 09, 2013 @07:55AM (#43951667)
    From Mojo: [motherjones.com]

    At first, he thought the FBI agent at the door was with FedEx. "As I open the door to greet the driver, approximately 12 FBI SWAT team agents jumped out of the truck, screaming for me to 'Get the fuck down!' with M-16 assault rifles and full riot gear, armed, safety off, pointed directly at my head," Lostutter wrote today on his blog. "I was handcuffed and detained outside while they cleared my house."

    That's either an intimidation tactic or the geniuses at the FBI have seen too many Rambo reruns. A 12 person SWAT team to serve a search warrant on one person who they have no reason to believe is violent? If it was proportional, they would have sent an armored division to arrest the rapists. Somehow I doubt they did.

  • by EmagGeek ( 574360 ) on Sunday June 09, 2013 @08:16AM (#43951753) Journal

    It's the ongoing paramilitarization of law enforcement.

    In my sleepy little city in a rural corner of my State, our 8-member police department has 2 armored vehicles, 28 fully-automatic machine guns, 2 grenade launchers, and routinely engages in military-style exercises on weekends where they set up Soviet-style checkpoints and violate peoples' civil rights. People have been bringing this up at city council meetings only to be told by the council members that this type of activity is necessary to keep us safe - the typical GOP line.

    Even my "Tea Party" congressman, who ran on the "Tea Party" platform, has been completely silent on the recent revelations about government spying on American Citizens, instead focusing his efforts on the GOP's scandal-du-jour, usually whatever bullet list of talking points Sean Hannity is vomiting on his radio show that day.

    All of it is paid for by the Federal Government's various drug and terrorism interdiction programs - and we're not even in a border state, unless you count the Atlantic Ocean to be a high-drug-traffic border.

  • "Juveniles" who commit "adult" acts of rape . . . aren't really "juveniles" any more.

    The age cutoff is arbitrary. But when we do not treat it as inviolate, then we do us all a disservice. In practical terms, minors have no rights, and thus should have less responsibility. That is, they should never be tried as an adult, under any circumstances. It is always their parents' responsibility if their upbringing comes out wrong.

  • by rockytopchip ( 1398125 ) on Sunday June 09, 2013 @09:26AM (#43952049)
    Just for thought, consider the case of Bernie Madoff. He was a con man running a ponzi scheme. There were a lot of folks who had money to invest. These folks wanted to get a large return on their investment. These folks willingly gave this investment money to Madoff. Most of these people ended up losing their investment, because it was a ponzi scheme. Madoff was arrested and has lost everything and is in jail for the rest of his life. People wanted Madoff to get the death penalty. Madoff did not rape anyone. Madoff did not commit a violent crime. The hackers also committed a non violent crime. And will spend more time in jail than most rapists. It's just not right.
  • by Zone-MR ( 631588 ) * <slashdot@nospam.zone-mr.net> on Sunday June 09, 2013 @09:42AM (#43952123) Homepage

    So what you're saying is that people should feel an obligation to forever remain in the place they happened to be born in, and deciding to move somewhere populated by more like minded people and governments is a bad thing?

  • by Runaway1956 ( 1322357 ) on Sunday June 09, 2013 @10:13AM (#43952239) Homepage Journal

    At least some of the "crimes" are faked. That Apache video, for instance. It was edited and narrated by people who are clueless. The Reuters reporter was EMBEDDED in an insurgent unit which had fired on American troops on the ground. That insurgent unit was reported to higher command by the troops on the ground, and the Apache was dispatched to the area to FIND that insurgent unit. Most of the individuals killed in the initial encounter were armed, because they were soldiers in Badr's army. They were killed because they were combatants. The reporters just happened to choose to embed themselves in the wrong unit.

    I've never arrived at a solid conclusion on the morality of shooting up the van. Had the van been marked with a Red Cross or a Red Crescent, then it would definitely have been wrong. But - it wasn't. The assumption that the van belonged to insurgents may or may not have been correct. It's definitely unfortunate that there were children in the van.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 09, 2013 @02:01PM (#43953899)

    OTOH, those who did cop-out, didn't end up in the oven ...

    In fact, some of those ended up in places where they could do something about it; places like Oak Ridge, TN and Los Alamos, NM. The Jews (among others) paid an horrific price to re-learn something they should never have forgotten. You don't submit weakly to tyrrany. You don't just move a little bit down the road when a pogrom razes your town. Despite their many faults, at least the Israelis got that.

    Now, if only the USA can re-learn what folly was Nazi Germany ...

    The jews never submitted weakly to tyrany. Like the communists, roma, homosexuals and others they took arms up, and rioted and turned the ghettos up side down at war with the nazi oppressor.

    And they all got killed, because good intentions dont mean shit when your outnumbered by a well funded military killing machine.

    Stop pushing this idea that the jews just weakly went to the chambers. its bad history and its blatantly untrue.

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