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Google Glass Banned At Google Shareholder Meeting 151

larry bagina writes "You can't make this stuff up — 'Cameras, recording devices, and other electronic devices, such as smart phones, will not be permitted at the [2013 annual shareholder] meeting.' Maybe it runs afoul of their rules on sexually explicit material?"
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Google Glass Banned At Google Shareholder Meeting

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  • Re:Violence (Score:3, Interesting)

    by smittyoneeach ( 243267 ) * on Saturday June 08, 2013 @10:09AM (#43945869) Homepage Journal
    There will be nothing of the sort. This is just the current version.
    When it's refined and mounted into a pair of Silhouettes, what are you going to do? Broad-spectrum jamming?
    I'll venture, as a trial balloon, that we need to move toward ultra-public spaces where Glassy technology is OK, and places where the tech is not acceptable, and anyone violating that restraint earns a big party foul (i.e. non-criminal punishment).
    And then you've moved the problem to a sort of digital apartheid, where those that wish to retain a modicum of privacy correspond to the rich and the Luddites.
  • by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Saturday June 08, 2013 @06:02PM (#43948231) Homepage Journal

    there isn't a sec regulation on it..

    what the fuck are all these people on? that it would be illegal for a publicly traded company that is required by sec regulations to keep public informed of it's doings to let recording devices into the shareholder meeting and people couldn't walk away from there to phone when they want? what the fuck you really think sec regulates them to keep prison rules for the duration of the shareholder meeting?

    maybe it would be by law if the shareholder meeting took place in the jury stand!

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