Estimating Age With Kinect's 3D Camera To Filter Content 102
theodp writes "Hal in 2001: 'I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that [open the pod bay doors].' Kinect in 2011: 'I'm sorry, Dave Jr. I'm afraid I can't do that [tune in to the Spice Channel].' A Microsoft patent filing made public this week proposes to restrict access to TV, movies and video games by using a 3D depth camera to estimate viewers' ages based upon the dimensions and proportions of a person's body, such as head width to shoulder width, and torso length to overall height. For adults with short arms or other seemingly childlike proportions, settings can be overridden by someone with an administrator password."
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Why would you want to lose the ability to get first post?
In reality... (Score:1)
"Junior, what is the admin password?"
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If you haven't noticed, the people having kids these days grew up on Nintendo and Windows. The technically oblivious parent meme may be on it's last legs.
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If you haven't noticed, the people having kids these days grew up on Nintendo and Windows.
Nintendo didn't have an admin password (still doesn't), and Windows 95/98/ME crashed before it could get to login
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Wii Parental Controls [nintendo.com]
Xbox 360 Parental Controls [xbox.com]
PlayStation 3 Parental Controls [playstation.com]
Can they reach the cables? (Score:2)
Unplug the 360(or future console), then plug the cable into the TV, and you're back to a regular TV, no password needed.
Ryan Fenton
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Right, and everyone is OK with putting a Camera in their living room, or bedroom.
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Cable and Internet TV get to be a lot more racy than Broadcast. MS is planning to provide cable content through the XBox, so bill-payers just may decide to drop the cable box.
And if they do that, the kids are going to circumvent the XBox to watch... what, exactly?
This begs the question... (Score:1)
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Raises the question, not begs. Please be smart when posting here.
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Give it up; the cause is lost. Prescriptivism rarely prevails, and the common, incorrect usage makes sense anyway.
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Think about it. If usage were truly too hard to change, then it would never have become incorrect in the first place.
Begging the question [wikipedia.org] is a fallacy.
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I'm sorry Mr. Coward, your horse has died. There was nothing anyone could do...
Cardboard hacks (Score:3, Insightful)
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Better yet - using a conveniently available blow-up doll would be wonderfully ironic. Using the forbidden creepy doppelganger to access forbidden knowledge. :^)
Ryan Fenton
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Depends on what knowledge the parents consider 'forbidden'. Might be the lesser of evils for the child to attempt to use their "boxing buddy" (non-sexual blow-up figure) to allow them to see the science channels - but I'd expect a LOT of very interesting variations on that story.
Ryan Fenton
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Better yet - using a conveniently available blow-up doll would be wonderfully ironic. Using the forbidden creepy doppelganger to access forbidden knowledge. :^)
Ryan Fenton
Have you ever seen a blow up doll? They usually are smaller than an adult =P
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read the summery, its not based on size, other wise the kid could just walk closer to the tv
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Even better, a blow up doll!!
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Here [wikipedia.org], lest you look like an idiot again in the future.
Kinect is based on software technology developed internally by Rare, a subsidiary of Microsoft Game Studios owned by Microsoft, and on range camera technology by Israeli developer PrimeSense, which interprets 3D scene information from a continuously-projected infrared structured light.[26][27] This 3D scanner system called Light Coding[28] employs a variant of image-based 3D reconstruction.
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Huh? Kinect is a 3D camera. It gives you a nice depth map along with the regular video picture and it should be able to easily pick out a flat cardboard from a full 3D human.
Christ. (Score:2)
Re:Christ. (Score:4, Interesting)
I was wondering how they intend to handle problems related to individuals that look young. The current hardware is just not good enough for this to work, but even in the future if they manage to get it to see the people, I can't imagine it coping with teens that are heavyset with beards or people that look like they're teens even though they're adults.
Ultimately, if even bouncers and police officers sometimes get it wrong, I'm not sure how we can hope that an electronic device is going to do any better.
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I was wondering how they intend to handle problems related to individuals that look young.
It's doubtful this would work the same way we identify youthfulness. It would probably look at something like the size of the head in proportion to the rest of the body. That would probably keep the number of false positives down. If if you are an adult who's that much out of proportion, you're probably too ugly to have kids anyway and you can just turn the feature off.
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I was wondering how they intend to handle problems related to individuals that look young.
It's doubtful this would work the same way we identify youthfulness. It would probably look at something like the size of the head in proportion to the rest of the body. That would probably keep the number of false positives down. If if you are an adult who's that much out of proportion, you're probably too ugly to have kids anyway and you can just turn the feature off.
Either way, I predict an upswing in sales of wigs and fake mustache kits.
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I'm sure little people everywhere will just love you for your remark.
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Yes and if we didn't already have a viable alternative you'd have a point. Nothing is 100% effective, but something like this is just laughable. You're not going to ever have it get the degree of accuracy necessary for it to be useful without a hell of a lot more technology than a game console has. And certainly not with just a Kinect.
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I thought that the inclusion of (usually optional) parental control settings was part of parenting, deciding whether your kids are ready for whatever's behind the lock.
Or have you decided that when you spawn you're going to be around your kid 24/7 ?
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I thought that the inclusion of (usually optional) parental control settings was part of parenting, deciding whether your kids are ready for whatever's behind the lock.
Covering up the parts of the world that make you uncomfortable is not parenting. Your kids will be exposed to that stuff whether you like it or not, so your job as a parent is to give them the knowledge and skills they need to understand it in context.
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While this is sold under the guise of easy parenting, I wouldn't be surprised if the real purpose of this feature is to silently collect demographic information for Microsoft or its advertising partners.
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Yup. Not happening. At a guess my wife would be prohibited, while my 13 year old daughter would pass.
I work with a woman in her 30s who regularly gets carded and accused of carrying fake ID. She has season tickets to a local college football team, and has been asked to leave because the guards suspect her of underage drinking.
There's just too much variety in human body types and looks to work. Also, how is this thing going to work if the person is on the sofa under a blanket? Are we going to have to st
This should go well (Score:2)
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Yes, I'm sure parental controls will be enabled by default on every unit and unable to be turned off.
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I also see stuff like fatheads (life size posters http://www.fathead.com/ [fathead.com]) being a popular circumvention devices.
I think a RealDoll [realdoll.com] would be the best circumvention.
Greys... (Score:1)
That should be used for detecting grey aliens abducting adult video gamers too!
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You mean Richard Stallman?
Hack already available! (Score:2)
hey junior (Score:2)
i am very impressed with your life size replica of me in lego bricks. however, i don't know why you positioned me facing the television
A better idea (Score:2)
Completely Off Topic But (Score:2)
(Fellow biologist)
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Amen brother.
trivial borderline cases (Score:2)
I don't even worry about small or young-looking adults - the main problem with this kind of access restriction is that it may work nice for clear cases (your 9 year old son trying to access 18+ content). But it is guaranteed to fail when the required and real age are close together. Extreme case: You don't really look that much different one day before and one day after your birthday.
Another poster has come up with a really clever, simple, straightforward and - in regard to these kinds of problems - reliabl
fuck this technology (Score:1)
Farsighted individuals? (Score:2)
If I don't have my reading glasses on, I've got to hold books/menus/iPads at arm's length. So I guess my head would look small... however, my 5yr old, who has much shorter arms, could hold the device right up to his head and make it look like he had a giant head...
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Tits or GTFO! (Score:1)
THAT'S what I call the implementation of "Tits or GTFO!" in practice!
Too bad, it's completely useless for the stated purpose, just like everything coming from Microsoft.
Anti discrimination lawsuit .. (Score:2)
.. coming in 3 , 2 ,1
Filed by a relative of baby face Nelson on behalf of all 20 somethings who still look like 14.
Feeding the advertising monster (Score:2)
Prediction ... (Score:2)
What if... (Score:2)
...the administrator is an adult with short arms or other seemingly childlike proportions? Would this call for an administrator's adminstrator's password?
We are lucky we live in a world where the vast majority of patents never see the light of day. Thank (deity of your choice) this is one of them.
Girth Restrictions (Score:1)
"I'm sorry, you cannot watch the food network due to your current girth. How about we tune in Biggest Loser instead?"
Really? (Score:1)
This won't work for elderly midgets.
Other Uses (Score:2)
'"I'll pay you tomorrow," he told the door. Again he tried the knob. Again it remained locked tight. "What I pay you," he informed it, "is in the nature of a gratuity; I don't have to pay you." "I think otherwise," the door said. "Look in the purchase contract you signed when you bought this conapt. You discover I'm right," the door said. It sounded smug.'
Phillip K. Dick, UBIK
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Damn you terrorist enablers!
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I hope you'll be clapping just as loudly if Bush Jr gets killed for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths he ordered.
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In what way do you get to that point? Logic isn't your strong point it seems. Bush is responsible for a great many more civilian deaths than anyone in al Qaeda so by the "kill the murderer without a trial" rules he should be killed by someone from Iraq and you should be cheering that person on.
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I mean with 50% of slashtards thinking there is something wrong with killing terrorists.... Watch the horror as Microsoft trys to help parents limit what their kids watch on TV.
Watch with horror as yet another AC trots out yet another "Won't someone please think of the children post" in support of putting cameras in our living rooms.
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Can't stream feeds....
Famous Last Words.