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Angles On Anonymous 383

A number of readers are sending in links related to Anonymous, the Internet phenomenon — don't call them a group — behind the controversial DDoS attacks on commercial entities that fail to support WikiLeaks. The best insight into Anonymous comes from the Economist's Babbage blogger, who hung out in one of their IRC channels. Reader nk497 points out that UK users looking to join Anonymous's DDoS army should be aware they could face a jail term of up to two years; simply downloading the LOIC software used in the DDoSing could suffice to earn a conviction. One 16-year-old has been arrested in The Netherlands and is charged with participating in the DDoS. Reader ancientribe sends in coverage of a claim by one security outfit that several existing criminal botnets have joined forces with Anonymous's Operation: Payback. And reader Stoobalou notes a story on a manifesto of sorts that purports to come from "ANON OPS," even though Anonymous disclaims any central spokesperson or entity (press release here, PDF).
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Angles On Anonymous

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  • by FredFredrickson ( 1177871 ) * on Friday December 10, 2010 @01:52PM (#34515648) Homepage Journal
    The most successful part of their trolling is that major news outlets still don't understand the joke. They're anonymous. They're not a group. You could just as easily say "bunches of people who have never met"
  • by oic0 ( 1864384 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @01:58PM (#34515696)
    Bored people looking for a little excitement and a cause. Not a bad cause really, if nothing else it has brought attention to the fact that these companies bent under the governments will and cut off funding to wikileaks even though our government hasn't figured out anything to charge them with yet.
  • by DurendalMac ( 736637 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @01:58PM (#34515702)
    The second most successful part of their trolling is convincing people that they're actually some kind of hacker group when 99% (at least) are nothing more than skiddies with no empathy and a healthy dose of misogyny.
  • by robthebloke ( 1308483 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:03PM (#34515744)
    I dunno, I'm getting very tired of the continual 'news' regarding anonymous on the bbc website. It's typically involves some random 'source' who is apparently affiliated with anon, who hasn't been involved with any of anon's activities, doesn't speak for them, but feels compelled to spout some non-newsworthy opinions. It's not news. It's just 15 year olds on 4chan. Enough already.
  • by clone52431 ( 1805862 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:05PM (#34515774)

    It's not news. It's just 15 year olds on 4chan. Enough already.

    They’re feeding the trolls. It’s hilarious. Laugh.

  • by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland AT yahoo DOT com> on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:09PM (#34515814) Homepage Journal

    then how can you official say no one is in charge?

  • by Monkeedude1212 ( 1560403 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:13PM (#34515844) Journal

    Their antics just keep giving politicians reasons to clamp down on the internet. Way to go, idiots!

    Politicians don't need reasons to clamp down on the internet, they are going to do it either way. Just like they have with airline security, it's gotten worse over the years despite nothing happening after 9/11.

    Their antics are at least trying to bring about some change or awareness before the internet gets clamped down. Think about it, some script kiddie in junior high has contributed more to the world situation these past few months than you might ever in your life. If you think they are idiots, why don't you try and stop them for ruining things for you?

  • by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:18PM (#34515922) Homepage Journal
    What you have done, on your part, really ? at least, these people are implementing a good idea, with a crappy implementation. that's something there. nothing on your side to show for it yet ?
  • Who is Anonymous? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:19PM (#34515926)
    Anonymous is everyone you depend on. They're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. They make your bed. They guard you while you're asleep. They drive the ambulances. They direct your call. They are cooks and taxi drivers and they know everything about you. They process your insurance claims and credit card charges. They control every part of your life. "They are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday they'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but they won't. And they're just learning this fact."
  • by erroneus ( 253617 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:28PM (#34516054) Homepage

    Charisma? Seriously? No. They are all just a bunch of like-minded people. Teens especially have a need to rebel in some way or another. It's all part of creating a sense of identity for themselves and all quite typical. It doesn't take charisma to "convince" a kid to take a firecracker and put it in a mail box. All you have to do is give them a firecracker and say "hey! put it in a mailbox!" Same thing here. Now if the same person said, "hey, firecrackers in mail boxes is wrong, don't do it!" you would probably see even MORE firecrackers in mail boxes. You get what I'm saying?

  • Re:Unified beliefs (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Optali ( 809880 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @02:32PM (#34516100) Homepage
    What 'dirty little secrets' exactly? That the French prez is a swollen toad ? That there may be or may no be nukes on Dutch territory? One thing I have to admit: Assange is the biggest scammer since Madoff, or maybe even bigger.
  • Re:Democracy? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Paracelcus ( 151056 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @04:50PM (#34517948) Journal

    "Democracy" what country are you from?
    In the good `ol USofA we have:
    Sham elections
    Faux news
    The largest prison population in the world
    The highest infant mortality rate in the "developed" world (right up there near the top worldwide)
    The shortest life expectancy in the "developed" world (right down there near the bottom worldwide)
    The worst/most expensive educational system by far (outside of Haiti/Afghanistan)

    "Democracy" Who among us voted for the patriot act? Or enhanced screening, Or Tax free billionaires? Or crumbling roads/bridges? Or the endless farce of the Washington crowd pig fucking us over and over again?

  • by Dachannien ( 617929 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @04:54PM (#34517992)

    No, I'm pretty sure 99% are unemployed college students, with the other 1% having dropped out of college to write DDoS scripts.

    In other words, 1% evil, 99% hot gas.

  • by GoneAwry ( 1953340 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @05:13PM (#34518166)
    A group of people, young as they might be, who willingly download LOIC, willingly give control over to a hive mind, willingly put themselves at risk for arrest, all for combating censorship and governmental corruption that they feel strongly about, and you're saying that this is a group that's 99% children with no empathy? Disregard Payback - what about when they hit affiliates of the RIAA? Or the corruption of Scientology? Hal Turner? Gene Simmons, who suggested that if people downloaded some mp3s, that they should have their livelihoods taken from them? I mean, yeah sure, I'll agree that there's probably a lot of people/kids that go along with it without really understanding the implications (as is shown in a lot of the stupid shit that's undertaken, like trolling various forums or CWC or Habbo), but I'd hazard that a large portion of Anonymous is likely cognizant of what they're doing, and are being driven by personal values and intelligence as well as mass appeal. Your suggestion is biased; I can tell from some of the exaggerations and from having seen quite a few people upset with 4chan in my life.
  • by Facegarden ( 967477 ) on Friday December 10, 2010 @07:29PM (#34519478)

    Anonymous is everyone you depend on. They're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. They make your bed. They guard you while you're asleep. They drive the ambulances. They direct your call. They are cooks and taxi drivers and they know everything about you. They process your insurance claims and credit card charges. They control every part of your life.

    "They are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday they'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but they won't. And they're just learning this fact."

    While poetic, that's not very true (I realize you probably know this, but I feel like I should chime in). Yes, I know that's just an interesting quote from Fight Club, but its not accurate for 4chan's anon. 4Chan's anon is mostly just fat teenage boys. And some older people. But mostly fat teenage boys. Although anon is no one in particular, it tends to be the people that have jack shit else to do other than spend time on 4chan. So they don't guard anyone, or drive ambulances, or direct your call. Though they will run your raids in WOW, or x-ray some picture you got off of facebook of a girl you want to see naked.
    I wish it was as poetic as Fight Club, but it's just not.

After a number of decimal places, nobody gives a damn.
