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Federal Court Issues Permanent Injunction For Isohunt 212

suraj.sun writes with this excerpt from NewTeeVee: "Judge Stephen Wilson of the US District Court of California, Southern District, issued a permanent injunction (PDF) against the popular torrent site Isohunt yesterday, forcing the site and its owner Garry Fung to immediately prevent access to virtually all Hollywood movies. The injunction theoretically leaves the door open for the site to deploy a strict filtering system, but its terms are so broad that Isohunt has little choice but to shut down or at the very least block all US visitors. ... The verdict states that they have to cease 'hosting, indexing, linking to, or otherwise providing access to any (torrent) or similar files' that can be used to download the studios' movies and TV shows. Studios have to supply Isohunt with a list of titles of works they own, and Isohunt has to start blocking those torrents within 24 hours."
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Federal Court Issues Permanent Injunction For Isohunt

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  • by lisany ( 700361 ) <slashdot@thedoh.COBOLcom minus language> on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:26PM (#32307648)
    Wait til you see what happens to Mr. Fung when he (next) attempts to visit the United States.
  • by haderytn ( 1232484 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:28PM (#32307682)
    Why would he want to do that?
  • by Mashiki ( 184564 ) <mashiki AT gmail DOT com> on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:31PM (#32307698) Homepage

    Being that I live in Canada, and get more hassles going into the US then I do Japan, I wouldn't want to travel there either. Despite all the nice touristy types of things you can do. I'd rather travel half way across the world for a vacation now.

  • by Tanuki64 ( 989726 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:36PM (#32307758)
    I am German. Would have no legal problems to enter the USA, but I love them that much that the only reason I'd visit Satan's own country would be that I can leave it with very much more money I entered it. When it comes to a simple vacation there are better and safer alternatives. Like China, Cuba, or North Korea.
  • by Capt_Morgan ( 579387 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:49PM (#32307912)
    Actually we all know how it works... It's very simple. The law is whatever appointed, corrupt judges say it is... and generally is applied differently to those with wealth and power
  • by Mathinker ( 909784 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:50PM (#32307914) Journal

    I wonder how much of his traffic is actually from the US.

    And how is he supposed to prevent someone from setting up "http://isohunt.mydomain.notus" to just proxy Isohunt so he can anyway get hits on his adverts? If the proxy would siphon off some of the ads for their own income stream, this might be an interesting business model.

  • by VTI9600 ( 1143169 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:52PM (#32307942)

    Again, this proves just how utterly clueless judges (and politicans) are of how the Internet actually works

    Heh...yeah. Those idiots think that torrents actually get used for piracy!..And that its not completely impossible to write a regex to filter out a list of file names. Oh, wait.

  • by Skapare ( 16644 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @03:55PM (#32307972) Homepage

    And clueless about international borders.

  • by Tanuki64 ( 989726 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @04:05PM (#32308060)

    I don't think North Korea is safer than US of A - just that they will treat you less like a criminal.

    This means it is safer. First as you say, it is less likely they will treat me as a criminal. And if they do, the world is on my side. If the USA treats me as criminal for what reason ever, there will be plenty of brainwashed zombies who will think I must deserve it somehow.

  • by Ethanol-fueled ( 1125189 ) * on Saturday May 22, 2010 @04:10PM (#32308102) Homepage Journal
    Being an American living in a Southern border city, I cross several DHS checkpoints [] to travel laterally across the country and each and every time my ass puckers up. They run dogs around my car and send me to secondary because I lose the staring contest or they're in a bad mood. I HATE being asked where I'm going and what I'm doing even though I'm the lone person in the car, Caucasian, never having travelled to Mexico.

    Worse, the constitution-free zone extends 100 miles inland. [] That region is where I spend 95% of my time.
  • One of these days: (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ( 1265320 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @04:17PM (#32308162) Homepage
    The American government will have to claim a military state over everywhere they distribute copyrighted content to, to "get this under control".

    only when the majority of people in the world are sitting at their computers with an armed guard watching to ensure that each and every one of us is complying with american copyright laws, will they get to maintain their fucking Draconian laws.

    at which point, the people getting paid to watch people will begin thinking they're "entitled to a little piracy, as they're the ones enforcing it" and that whole system will fall apart.

    which brings us back to the issue at hand. change. continue changing to meet the needs of your people, or stand aside and let somebody else try.

    because what you're doing obviously isn't working.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2010 @04:56PM (#32308534)

    Since when did a C&D order (civil) become a matter for extradition (criminal)?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2010 @05:31PM (#32308798)

    That's odd. Why the puckerage?
    The Feds can stick a vehicle checkpoint in front of my house for all I care.

    ( So if you have nothing to hide, then you won't mind if I place hidden cameras in your bathroom ceiling fan and watch you shower and shit? After all, you're not doing anything illegal and you have nothing to hide, right? Everybody shits, right?

    You are a goddamn retard. Not being watched, poked, and prodded like a goddamn animal in a zoo is a right that should be afforded to every American[and preferably foreign tourists who want to give us a hand and spend their money here, especially in this economy]. Do you seriously believe that we're under constant threat of terrorist attacks and that those checkpoints will do anything to stop the few who would want to hurt us?

    As for your relationship with the LEO -- hanging out in chat rooms and pretending to be a 13 year old girl does not make you a federal agent, it makes you a useful idiot looking for a pat on the head.

    Damn, trolled again. Also, you're going from friend to foe -- I have no problem with different opinions as long as they aren't just retarded. )

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2010 @05:34PM (#32308832)

    Speaking as a US citizen:

    Shame on us for forcing our fascist crap on others.

    Also shame on Canada for agreeing to extradite one of its citizens to face our fucked-up justice system.

  • by stimpleton ( 732392 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @05:38PM (#32308864)
    Hopefully most here know the significance of the phrase "papers please" and its origins and this post reminds me of that phrase. So I went to YouTube and entered "papers please". One might expect old war movie footage. Instead, video upon video of US cops and "papers please". But the politicians and patriots tell us we are free, so we are, right?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2010 @06:07PM (#32309140)

    It depends on your last name. They got it into their heads that evilness depends on how foreign your last name sounds.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2010 @06:32PM (#32309342)

    In some ways, it's amazingly similar, in others, it's so drastically different. For one, Canada doesn't have a deep pervasive distrust of government in any form. I honestly don't see how people trust companies that are legitimately and honestly out to screw customers in the name of profit MORE than a government that has to actually answer for its actions on a continuing basis.

  • by Runaway1956 ( 1322357 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @10:36PM (#32310866) Homepage Journal

    As MLTS has already stated, the *IAA's may be winning a few battles, but they haven't won the war. They'll have to do a lot better to prevent people like me from downloading anything and everything they want to download.

  • by PsychoSlashDot ( 207849 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @10:50PM (#32310948)

    Living in a border city, we cross several times a year from Windsor to Detroit (shopping, sporting events, etc) and each and every time we enter the US my ass puckers up. I HATE entering the states even though I have absolutely nothing to hide... it's brutal.

    Brutal? What are you subject to? I'm curious to see if your experiences are much different than mine when I fly domestic.

    It's hyperbole. But still. Considering the circumstances, it's absurd. I too am a Windsorite who occasionally crosses into Detroit (these days to do indoor rock-climbing). At the minimal these days I'm subjected to an hour wait to manage to enter a city that has been part of "my" skyline for 37 years. 45 of those minutes are spent sitting in a tunnel under the river. Say goodbye to a gallon of gas. Once I finally emerge into the light once again I get to admire the parking lot that is the waiting area for processing. Then my vehicle and I get to pass through a bewildering array of scanners, cameras, and I-don't-know-what that pretty much looks like a war zone. Finally I get a nice 5 to 10 minute interview with a border guard with a gun wherein I justify to his or her satisfaction that I am who my papers say I am, and that I have a good enough reason to enter the U.S. The entire time I am painfully aware that if I appear too nervous, not nervous enough, or my story triggers any sort of profile I can and will be detained, potentially for hours. My car (which I quite adore) may be literally disassembled while I am not permitted to watch. I may be personally searched, permanently flagged as suspicious, and the future process may become significantly more difficult for me.


    What the hell is the justification for this absurdity? Please understand... if I want to get into the U.S. to do anything malicious, all I need to do is rent a canoe or Jet-ski. I can bring in whatever quantity of whatever I want with me. Get this... there's a "party" island in the middle of the river. People from both countries can dock there and hang out on the beach, without passing customs. I can get off my boat and onto someone else', with or without weapons, drugs, nuclear armaments, dirty bombs, bio-weapons, or child pornography.

    The border is a feel-good joke that makes nobody feel good except those American voters who don't have to use it. It will not keep Americans safe. It will not inconvenience theoretical terrorists. It will not prevent attacks.

    I have lived in Windsor for 37 years. I've been crossing this border periodically for most of them. I've been driving the same car for two years. I've been going to the same climbing facility for nine months. WAVE ME THE FUCK THROUGH. I'd love to answer the 20 questions like "where do you work" with "same place as three weeks ago", but I don't want my asshole probed. I am afraid. That is just plain wrong. Know the saying "if you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to be afraid of"? In this case it's totally inaccurate.

    I am not he psychotic American-hating vengeful, spiteful, angry, bomb-toting, murderous boogieman you are afraid of. But on a scale of zero to a million, where I was at zero most of my life, I'm now at a strong one on the scale of ending the last sentence with "yet".

  • by mrbcs ( 737902 ) on Saturday May 22, 2010 @11:45PM (#32311172)
    I live 25 miles from the American border and haven't been there in over 10 years. I don't like their attitude.
  • by russotto ( 537200 ) on Sunday May 23, 2010 @12:31AM (#32311388) Journal

    Which the geek never admits to having.

    Even when his income is substantially above the median for his home state, city or county.

    High income does not equate to wealth and power. Your average IT professional is going to be upper middle class, which is to say prime sheep for fleecing, not wealthy and powerful.

  • by shutdown -p now ( 807394 ) on Sunday May 23, 2010 @01:42AM (#32311782) Journal

    What's sad and yet ironic in all this is that, in the name of not wanting to share your precious country with evil outsiders, you're actively eroding the very freedoms that made it great in the first place.

  • by Punto ( 100573 ) <> on Sunday May 23, 2010 @03:31AM (#32312270) Homepage

    How does isohunt know which torrents are actual movies and which aren't? do they have to download and watch every file? I understand that the studios own the movies, but do they also own filenames?

  • by Yfrwlf ( 998822 ) on Sunday May 23, 2010 @09:06AM (#32313524)
    How about a revolutionary instead? That's what the U.S. needs and it would certainly be much more productive.

    I wasn't taking your comment seriously of course, but I'm just making two points, firstly that Americans need to start protesting, and secondly that terrorists are retarded since love is the most powerful "weapon" of all. You don't change a nation's course by blowing random citizens up, you change a nation by changing the hearts and minds of those who make up that nation.
  • What's an acceptable price for a steaming pile of shit ? That accounts for 95% of the *IAA's output.

    I get that I'm a freak, but I would much rather torrent an album, then send a $20 paypal to the artist if I liked it, than spend $10 at Walmart to buy the same music on disc - and I'm not even tabulating my irrational hatred of Walmart yet. The big problem is that we all know the people who profit off the arts are not the ones responsible for our enjoyment. They are pimps, nobody likes a pimp. No, not even with the fuzzy purple hat and cane. Pimps are parasites, and so is the bulk of the *IAA.

    Another example: in recent years I've become highly interested in the local music scene. When I find a band I like, I buy them a round and a copy of their album, or hand them a $10 and ask them to email it to me. Sometimes I help them put up a little web site, pro bono. I like that, no middleman. If it helps them make more of the music I like, great! If they want to spend the money on hookers and blow, that's cool too (call me!). If I was entertained, they deserve to be entertained, that's just how I see it.

    You couldn't give me that end-to-end experience in a shrink-wrapped package, or a faceless download on iTunes. Real music fans want to connect with the artists, shoot the shit with them and thank them personally for creating something enjoyable. They don't go to shows to hear the same old music and sing along, otherwise bands wouldn't bother with the stresses of touring, they'd film the set in their backyard and sell DVDs to everyone. Fans go to shows because it's an intimate event, where they might meet & greet the idols, and meet like-minded individuals in the crowd.

    Music is a social thing, you can't dumb it down to a number and a dollar sign. That's the most infinitesimally small part of it.

Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
