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Internet Porn More Addictive Than Crack, Senate Told 886

applemasker writes "Wired says that the Senate heard testimony today that internet porn is 'worse than crack.' Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) called it the most disturbing hearing he'd ever heard in the Senate, saying that porn is ubiquitous now but compared to when he was growing up and 'some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time.' Can someone submit a FOIA request for his browser history or cache?"
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Internet Porn More Addictive Than Crack, Senate Told

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  • by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:04PM (#10871870)
    ...a bill passed into law extending the ban on taxing internet access [], a move that is very good for consumers.

    Of course, this being slashdot, we'll post a story about it before the vote [], not update it when the desired vote actually occurs, not post a new story about it passing, and instead post a story about a lone Senator's response to a University of Pennsylvania scientist's valid research opinions[1] (just as valid as, say, some sociology students alleging studying shaky, unprovable statistical anomalies in Florida voting [], even as the MIT/Caltech Voting Project says there was no widespread fraud, tampering, or errors []).

    Surprisingly, a person who works at a sex toy shop called Good Vibrations doesn't agree with the researcher's conclusions!

    Let's just face the facts that some people are more prone to addictive behaviors, and it can happen with anything: drugs, shopping, gambling, sex, and yes, pornography. The putative argument is that with the abundance of free porn on the internet, a porn addiction has the potential to be much more damaging, since it doesn't require the resources that other common addictions might. This is perfectly valid; it doesn't imply that everyone will be addicted to porn (or anything else), nor does it mean that internet porn will be "banned". It simply says an addiction with a free neverending supply can be harmful.

    Is anyone the least bit surprised or concerned that a conservative Christian Republican senator from Kansas found the testimony "disturbing". How is this news?

    (And as for the crack in the summary, believe it or not, there are some people who probably haven't had occasion to view porn on their computers. No. Really.)

    [1]Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today."

    "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind."

    Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said.
  • Crime? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:07PM (#10871883) Journal
    When was the last time somebody was arested for busting into a house to steal e-porn from a harddrive?
  • Sex is not a drug. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by h4rm0ny ( 722443 ) * on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:08PM (#10871896) Journal
    Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday.

    Pornography leads to boob jobs? May I ask why this is being presented to the Senate Committee on Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee? Now I'm not an advocate of pornography but if I were going to argue against it, I'd try to base my arguments on less personal-value laden arguments than this. And that's leaving aside dodgy use of science. Example:
    "That is, it causes masturbation,
    Suggesting that boys and girls don't masturbate without pornography? Children masturbate before they even understand sexual attraction, let alone requiring pornography post-puberty.

    But here's another highlight,

    Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment.
    Erototoxins? Is this an attempt to re-brand a need for sexual stimulationas a medical condition again? You know that way they could overturn any constitutional protections under the guise of medical treatment, much like drug companies are pushing their drugs that render people resistant to illegal drugs. Why do I get the feeling that these people would like to be able to prevent sexual desire wherever they deem it innappropriate.

    The whole basis of this article seems to be that somebody has shown correlation in the brain between pleasure from drugs and pleasure from sex... as far as I understand the article, the correlation appears to be something called, um... pleasure.

    I think if you watch a lot of pornography, then that can distance you from other people and perhaps interfere with forming a healthy relationship with your parter, but who knows - it's just my feeling. I don't think anyone with a brain whichever side of the argument they fall on could see this article being anything other than bollocks.
  • FTFA (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:08PM (#10871902)
    "Marriage really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes intercourse, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect."

    Speed dating is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of future partners, making sex much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said.

    OK, maybe that broke down a little at the end there. But the point is, porn isn't addictive - sex is.
  • by Tezkah ( 771144 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:09PM (#10871910)
    Protecting children from porn is no different in my eyes than protecting them from cigarettes.

    Also, if its all right to help people quit cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol, why is it wrong to help them off porn, its not like we're banning it or forcing something on people
  • Here it comes... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by TempusMagus ( 723668 ) * on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:09PM (#10871912) Homepage Journal
    This going to get worse and worse now that the Republicans (notice I don't say conservatives) have control and the Christian Right feel like they are owed something for shutting up and not scaring the moderates away like they did during the Clinton era elections.

    There is a lot of porn on the net and if you arent some by-product of the very culture that is so freaked-out about it in the first place you'd probably find it as boring and silly as it truly is.
  • by u19925 ( 613350 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:10PM (#10871916)
    Coffee is addictive and so is tea and so are many other things in life. Some people are addicted to books. I have never seen senate debating library addiction PROBLEM? Before they should discuss internet porn addiction, they should show clearly that it is a problem which needs immediate addressing. Americans access more internet porn then many other nations in middle east, africa etc, but I don't think those countries have any less sexual crimes than USA.
  • by johansalk ( 818687 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:10PM (#10871918)
    Their website looks very Christian, has the declaration of "standing up for what I believe".

    I saw this story before it was posted on slashdot, and my conclusion that, as usual, the extremists of opinion are about to strangle each other, and moderation is hardly represented.
  • by Suburbanpride ( 755823 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:13PM (#10871935)
    Adult entertainment is a multi-billion dollar business. It's not going anywhere, and I'm sure pretty much any slashdotter has the skills to find pr0n even if the FCC makes earthlink and comcast block playboy dot com.

    senators and congressman hold these kinds of hearings all the tme so they can tell their constituants that they are actually doing stuff.

  • by DAldredge ( 2353 ) <SlashdotEmail@GMail.Com> on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:14PM (#10871947) Journal
    They do not want to solve the problem, if they did they wound not pass fucked up laws that said if the person in the porn LOOKED like they where under the age of 18 it was child porn. IOW, if you took a picture of your wife and the judge thought she looked under 18, you would go to jail...

    They just want to keep bringing this up every 16-18 months so they will look like they are doing something.
  • by TempusMagus ( 723668 ) * on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:16PM (#10871955) Homepage Journal
    Let's see here we have wars, intolerance an ACTIVE hatred of environmentalism (they call it GAIAISM) and science, a contempt for the human body and a concern to control the behavior of others while giving up their decision making ability to a primative conception of christ. Now explain to me why these people are qualified to point fingers about porn? It seems they have the more agregious symptoms.
  • In other words... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by elmegil ( 12001 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:16PM (#10871956) Homepage Journal
    some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time.

    We liked it better when people were stealing magazines instead of surfing the web for free.

  • When he grew up... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by stratjakt ( 596332 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:16PM (#10871958) Journal
    ...when he was growing up and 'some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time.'

    When he grew up women stayed at home and men did all the work and sex was something that was viewed as a contractual obligation to marraige.

    The guy grew up in the 60s, wasnt he paying attention to all that sexual revolution business? Sucks to be him.

    Congress better stay away from porn and cut it out with this "erototoxin addiction" angle. That kind of rhetoric is more damaging than porn, in my opinion. Science is the new religion, and now instead of labelling people "evil", we label them all "sick". Erototoxin. What a retarded buzzword. Worst ever.

    Yeah, sex and drugs are similar in that they are both a hell of a lot of fun if you do them right.

    Wait till these guys find out about Rock n Roll.
  • by Lord Kano ( 13027 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:18PM (#10871968) Homepage Journal
    • Erototoxins? Is this an attempt to re-brand a need for sexual stimulationas a medical condition again? You know that way they could overturn any constitutional protections under the guise of medical treatment, much like drug companies are pushing their drugs that render people resistant to illegal drugs. Why do I get the feeling that these people would like to be able to prevent sexual desire wherever they deem it innappropriate./UL

    • You have just nailed it. These people seek to exert control of all behavior by controlling access to pain relief and pleasure.

      All drugs that are really worth anything are strictly controlled. They now wish to control sexuality. It's a ploy, and a weak one at that.

  • by antifoidulus ( 807088 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:19PM (#10871974) Homepage Journal
    Well, to further your argument, the guy seems to think that the wide availibility of porn will ultimately lead to addictions(the whole, you have to find some guy with it schpiel), but the same argument fails with coffee. I can go down any mainstreet in the country and probably find 10 places to get a cup of coffee. But must I drink it because it's there? No, just like people who want to avoid porn will avoid porn, regardless of it's availability.
    Gah, what ever happened to personal responsibility in this country. Whenever there is a potential vice, it seems people scream for the government to get rid of the source, thus destroying the temptation I suppose. Geez, come one people, get a grip, if you don't want children doing drugs/sex/porn/whatever, be a PARENT! If my mother could raise 3 kids alone on about $35k/yr and have us all grow up to be college educated productive members of society, I fail to see how 2 parents with a combined income that stretches well into the 6 figures cannot do it.
  • by oobob ( 715122 ) * on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:22PM (#10871997)
    Addiction is a reification, and that's where the problem comes in. We've blurred the use of addiction in society until the abstract definition of addiction - the need to perform some behavior compulsively - determines the connotation of the word. The only meaning of the word addiction that applies to physical reality is that version that arises from biological adaptation to the ingestion of substances, which some people (alcoholics, for one) are much more prone to. Continued use develops continued need, and soon, their bodies (literally) depend on the substances for normal functioning, as they have stopped producing sufficient amounts of affected neurotransmitters on their own.

    The other connotation of addiction is the one we refer to in common speech - when a person repeats behaviors, regardless of the consequences or his/her own inclination to do so. So we speak of those addicted to shopping, grooming, sex, or any other behavior a person focuses on for what others would deem an unhealthy period of time (this behavior is almost always a vice, or capable of becoming one in excess). This is where our definitions overlap and the problem first appears. Any thought or behavior is necessarily biological. What's more, for all of human history, people have tried to resist pleasure, such as eating or sex, that is innately tied with both biological reward and negative consequences. And in this way, the reward and the strong drive to perform the behaviors that bring about this reward are abstracted on the basis of their biological similarity (the same brain rewards both behaviors) and the strikingly similar behaviors of those deemed addicted (when you want to do something, you do it). But when we do this, we overstep the bounds of the word addiction, and soon we start regulating all human behavior associated with pleasure, negative consequences, and an obsessive quality into the category of addiction. Now, if you think that a reasonable definition of addiction is one that can apply to any pleasure-deriving activity, including every vice, that's your opinion. It just happens to be a very wrong one.

    It's hard not to do the things we like. They make us feel the same (happy) as heroin makes heroin addicts feel (happy). And for all of human history, we've been trying to figure out how to suppress the human tendencies toward pleasure that can hurt and destroy us. But when we speak like this, we replace a deeper understanding of human action with the shallow descriptions of behavior we read in magazines. I used to smoke cigarettes, and I occasionally smoke pot. When I quit smoking, I felt nuts, like I was losing something that my body depended upon. When you're a smoker, you can't remember what it was like to be a non-smoker - to go a day without thinking of a cigarette. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, and if you non-smokers could imagine that suffering, you'd know what we mean we when talk about addiction. When I stop smoking pot, I feel upset that I'm not doing what I like to do, and I want to smoke. But I when I stopped smoking cigarettes, I couldn't think, my head felt like it was being smashed, and I wasn't able to register anything other than my shaking and desire for a cigarette.

    There is a biological reality to real addiction. The rest is human behavior and the same attraction to vice that we've lived with for years. While this is necessarily biology, it arises naturally from human behavior, and is not caused by physical adaption to external agents and chemicals that act upon the body. This is a critical distinction, and not one easily understood by half-rate thinkers, people who read magazines, and those who've never wanted a cigarette.

    This shit gets so old. First comes convincing people that others aren't in control of their actions. That's the only way a person can say "stop doing this action, even though it doesn't affect me, because I don't like it" without getting laughed at. Listen to this quote from the article: "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biolog
  • by Bastian ( 66383 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:23PM (#10872006)
    I think if you watch a lot of pornography, then that can distance you from other people and perhaps interfere with forming a healthy relationship with your parter

    I've had more problems with books doing this to me, let alone Civ III.
  • by Anne Honime ( 828246 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:23PM (#10872010)
    I bet what a fair share of the commission members (including the president) found most disturbing was to realize they were badly intoxicated by their self erototoxins, because I can't imagine they just discovered there was p0rn available on the net.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:26PM (#10872023)
    I dont feel the goverment has a place in legeslating morality, because morality can be a very grey area. I think the only time when the geverment has a possible legetimate concern is when aan activity can have a negative impact on another individual.

    Some of these fanatical people have to deal with the concept that sexuality is a natural part of us. to try to supress such strong urges seems to invite mental instablity.
  • by DAldredge ( 2353 ) <SlashdotEmail@GMail.Com> on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:26PM (#10872025) Journal
    The Dems are just as bad, HINT - Tipper Gore, Al Gore and a whole list of others from the Dem side of the isle that try to control things.

    The only difference between the GOP and the Dems is that they wish to control different areas of our lives. Neither side wants smaller goverment, both wish to control us.
  • by frankthechicken ( 607647 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:32PM (#10872050) Journal
    Protecting children from porn is no different in my eyes than protecting them from cigarettes.

    And, in a similar vein, let's face it, protecting childern from porn is no different from protecting them from forms of violence. And what is more natural?

    What leads to greater worries? What is more damaging? Hell, what is more informative?

    Personally, I'd rather teach my kids through visual media sex than how to kill, maim, torute people.

    Why do we perceive a natural act to be less suitable for our kids to view?

    We let our kids see caricatures of violence, but shield them from perceptions of sex, personally I see that as being a little bit strange.
  • Please don't (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DAldredge ( 2353 ) <SlashdotEmail@GMail.Com> on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:33PM (#10872060) Journal
    Please do not group all Christians into the same category as these people. Not all Christians believe that the government should be used to force our values down others throats. Besides, this isn't really about Christianity or religion, it is about power and the ability to control people.

    Hell, if these people in congress really believed what they say they believe they would act and vote differently.
  • by MichaelCrawford ( 610140 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:40PM (#10872103) Homepage Journal
    With the Federal deficit having grown to historically unprecedented proportions, the US dollar having sunk to record lows, and many Americans dying on the street because they cannot get health insurance, I'm glad to see our elected officials devoting their time, energy and our money to wiping out nudie pictures on the net.

  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) * on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:41PM (#10872112) Homepage Journal
    What you need to realize is that there has been a movement in the last few years to roll back the scientific method in favor of a new dark age much like what happened to the United States back during prohibition. Then, like now, there was a large religiously based movement toward a definition of "morality" in opposition to science and progress. Back then, a significant portion of the American people were told what and how to believe and they lined up like sheep to follow a few who promulgated their beliefs onto those who wished to be led by the nose. All you have to do is look at what is being proposed as science in this Senate Committee, in the hearings that led up to the current Iraqi conflict, and many other areas of law like the proposals to roll back evolution education in favor of "intelligent design" (which sounds an awful like the marketing geniuses that came up with "compassionate conservative").

    There is a most distressing lack of scientific knowledge amongst our law makers and it is showing in everything from decisions on technology issues to the often fraudulent supplement industry, to censorship and others.

    I am not supporting pornography as it is most decidedly not victimless, however, these folks on Capitol Hill are clueless about science, how science is performed and how one acts on scientific hypothesis and testimony like this only serves to weaken positions and make a mockery of the political process.

    Erotoxins.......oh jeez. You have got to be kidding me. This is right up there with covering up the breasts on statues of Lady Liberty. Only perverts are this obsessed with issues like this and are more disturbing to me than people obsessed with pornography, perhaps simply because they are obsessed with what others are doing.

    These folks need to read some of the basic science behind addiction and understand that anything can be addictive. Yes, some things are more addictive because of their pharmacology or biological implications, but to say pornography is more addictive that crack cocaine is a farce.

  • by jamie ( 78724 ) <> on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:42PM (#10872116) Journal
    Judith Reisman's full testimony is here []...

    Pornography triggers myriad kinds of internal, natural drugs that mimic the "high" from a street drug. Addiction to pornography is addiction to what I dub erototoxins -- mind-altering drugs produced by the viewer's own brain.

    How does this 'brain sabotage' occur? Brain scientists tell us that "in 3/10 of a second a visual image passes from the eye through the brain, and whether or not one wants to, the brain is structurally changed and memories are created - we literally 'grow new brain' with each visual experience."

    [...] Any highly excitatory stimuli (whether sexually explicit sex education or X-Rated films) say neurologists, "which lasts half a second within five to ten minutes has produced a structural change that is in some ways as profound as the structural changes one sees in [brain] damage...[and] can...leave a trace that will last for years."

    Pornography psychopharmacologically imprints young brains - thereby invalidating notions of informed consent. [...]

    A basic science research team employing a cautiously protective methodology should study erototoxins and the brain/body.

    This is mumbo-jumbo as far as I can tell. Note how quickly Dr. Reisman -- her Ph.D. is in Communications, and she has no education in medicine [] -- goes from coining a brand new word to describe something she cannot prove exists ("what I dub erototoxins") to using that word as if the substance is real ("study erototoxins"). Along the way she uses partial quotes out of context, and prepends her views on pornography to a quote that matter-of-factly describes an obvious fact about the brain.

    And if you missed it -- yes -- she is railing against "sexually explicit sex education." She is saying that sex ed causes brain damage.

    This is the same woman who thinks the Catholic Church should sue [] because priests molested children.

  • by Shinglor ( 714132 ) <> on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:44PM (#10872133)

    What about the emotional and marriage problems it causes?

  • From,1282,65772, 00.html []
    The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting
    signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden.

    "I was gonna go fuck the neighbor boy, but the bus sign reminded me not to," testified recovering child fucker N.Curable-Sicko. "Until now, nothing had been able to stop me from having my way with them, not even the prospect of being sent to prison where I'd be raped constantly. Now, with the bus signs, I'm able to control my urges."

  • by Howard Roark ( 13208 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:45PM (#10872144)
    Internet porn is more addictive than Christ.

    And it has them worried.
  • And further... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:48PM (#10872166)
    Which is the more "demented" form of entertainment:

    looking at images/movies of naked people to achieve sexual arousal


    watching images/movies of people hurting and killing one another with various weapons and by various means.

    I mean, if we are going to *assume* that such stimulation motivates one to act, which is the more harmful resultant action? Sex/masturbation or harming/killing someone?

    I have yet to hear a single argument against porn which could not apply equally well to violence, and yet no-one bats an eye at the tremendous amounts of violence in the entertainment industry.

    Our culture is truely twisted.

    (incidentally, this same reasoning applies to marijuana legalization as compared to alcohol/tobacco).

  • Re:Please don't (Score:0, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:48PM (#10872167)
    And I should not lump all Muslims into the category of Muslim terrorists. But, if you are a member of a group/organization/religion and you allow that organization to perpetuate falsehoods in the name of your group (you), you are as guilty as they if you do not speak out against them.

    Most *Christians* I know have not even read (much of) the Bible, are not even aware of the mistranslating in the modern Bible let alone care about how there being counted as a Christian is being used to turn our country into a Christian police state.

    If you really are Christian and you really do believe that what these people are doing is wrong, speak up. Otherwise, you give silent consent to their actions. Eventually, they will take something away you believe is valuable also.

    And, yes I do speak up. It makes some people upset with me, costs some clients, but in the end, more people respect me for not being a sheep and following false prophets and false religious leaders. I know where I am going and they are not.

    After all, religion is about people making other people follow their rules (or you go to Hell (or whatever said religion proiveds), not about actually following Christ (or whomever else). You do not need a leader telling you what to do to follow a leader who already told you what to do.

  • by ScrewMaster ( 602015 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:48PM (#10872168)
    We probably access more porn because a. we don't have the restrictions on availability that other nations (see: China) have on it and b. we're a sexually-repressed nation anyway, in spite of the so-called "sexual revolution." That doesn't mean that I believe this is a problem worth even a minute of Congress' time, much less mine. There actually are some truly serious issues that Congress could be addressing but this is just a smokescreen for yet another incursion into what passes for civil liberties nowadays. I just wish they would define being power-mad as a disease so we could treat the medical condition that these people obviously have and make them productive members of society once again.
  • by exquisito ( 789236 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:52PM (#10872207)
    I agree with Dave...this is just a side-show controversy that distracts the public from the real economic crimes that big business lobby groups actually push into law, such as tax breaks for those poor millionaires out there.
  • by suso ( 153703 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @11:52PM (#10872209) Journal
    This is the way news works. []

    You bring the initial inklings of the story to the public's attention, bringing them to the edge of their seat and then don't follow up on it. It causes people to hunger for news as a source of entertainment. What it really becomes is terrorism, striking fear and doubt into the minds of millions of people who think that they live in the worst possible time in the history of the earth.
  • by dustinbarbour ( 721795 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:02AM (#10872258) Homepage

    ..the more I feel that I should run for an elected office and make my way up to the Senate. I'm absolutely serious. It is obvious on many fronts that our current crop of representatives have no fuckin' idea what the people want. That is what they are there for, right? To represent us?

    Whether it is technological issues, societal issues, foreign policy.. Politicians seem to think that they know what's best.

    Where are the blogs from Senators and other elected officials? Why do they feel that they are using technology effectively when their official website is merely a brochure for themselves maintained by some lackey, some summer "work for free" intern? Seriously.. America, especially the 18-30-something demographic seems to get ignored somewhat. It's bullshit.

  • by h4rm0ny ( 722443 ) * on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:08AM (#10872274) Journal

    In my case, however ... my partner likes to watch it as much as I do.

    That's your privilege (and your partner's). It's a big world with room for lots of views. My reasoning is something like this:
    • Sex is best with someone you love.
    • Pornography tends not to show this as part of sex, or even a possibility. Perhaps it would just distress many of the intended audience for a variety of reasons.
    • If pornography is a regular part of someone's life, or comes along at an important time in someone's life, say when they're still ignorant of what sex is, then perhaps they'll idealise this less emotional and purely physical sort of sex. They'll be missing out on so much.

    Other people may disagree with any of those three steps, and they're quite welcome to dispute with me here, but first acknowledge that unlike the people in this "news" story, I'm not trying to ram my views down anyone's throat.

    Most people probably can't aspire to the sort of physical qualities displayed in porn films. Nor do I think they should want to. But if this is all they see, if they don't become aware of the tremendous potential in the emotional side of sex, then maybe they'll always be less satisfied than they would be if they realized they can trump the porn stars every time with just a modicum of tenderness.

    imho ;)
  • by bhsurfer ( 539137 ) <> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:14AM (#10872304)
    what about it? my belief is that the people who have marriage problems as a result of porn are highly likely to have marriage problems ANYWAY, likely due to lack of the ability to communicate honestly with each other about their sexual needs.

    and, no pun intended, i say "fuck them". go get some therapy or something and leave the internet alone for the others who either know how to incorporate porn into a healthy lifestyle, aren't interested in it, or aren't interested in other people and rely solely on porn. this desire to legislate "morality" is much more evil and harmful to a truly free society than pornography.

    people always have and always will have emotional problems, but that's not my problem (or most other peoples either) so why should the rest of the world be penalized for someone's lack of ability to handle their own life? these bible-thumping right wingers sure don't mind forgetting all about personal accountability and responsibility when it's a topic they disagree with, but hey, say it loud & say it proud - sex is here to stay! put that in your communion wafer and smoke it, mr sexually repressed government tool.

  • by Mycroft_VIII ( 572950 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:20AM (#10872335) Journal
    A ploy perhaps, but certainly NOT a week one.
    Controlling a societies sexual outlets is one the major tools for controlling a society.
    Just look at the TWO major things almost all religeons do(especially those that wield significant power in the world), tell you you need thier permision to have sex and tell you as long as you follow thier rules that you'll live forever (or equivilant) with rewards. They also tend to tell you that all that is wrong (painfull physically or emotionaly) in your life comes from NOT following thier rules. Governments tend to do the same.
    Look at how some of the best advertising works.
    Once you have a group of people by the gonads they'll do whatever you say, and probably praise you to sky in the process.
    Weak? It one of the shurest roads to power for any group.

  • by SnapShot ( 171582 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:25AM (#10872358)
    Welcome to four more years of life under the rule of the Red States. Just remember the following and you'll be okay.

    Breasts bad! Guns good!

    Books bad! FOX good!

    Facts bad! Faith good!

    Environment bad! SUV good!

    Freedom bad! Patriotism good!

    Endangered Species Act bad! USAPAT RIOT act good!

  • by buxton2k ( 228339 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:27AM (#10872364)
    I was recently watching a BBC documentary called "The Power of Nightmares," and I was struck by the similarity between the neoconservative/extreme Christian right alliance and the Party of Orwell's "1984".

    This seems like another interesting similarity between "1984" and reality; I don't have my copy with me, so I will have to paraphrase.

    The O'Brien character says something to the effect of:

    We have already eliminated love and strong relationships. Soon there will be no love between people. We have only to eliminate the pleasure of the orgasm; do you think we can't? We have doctors working on it right now! Soon, there will be nothing between people, only love of people for the State. Your only pleasure will be the rapture of love for Big Brother.

    It just seems like Orwell was right, it's just taking longer (we're only at the first stages), and it's a radical religious (not really in any way related to the actual peaceful/tolerant teachings of Christ) and neoconservative Party instead; Oligarchical Religous Privitization, rather than Oligarchical Collectivism as in the book.
  • by dourk ( 60585 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:28AM (#10872368) Homepage
    If I couldn't look at net porn and rub one off every so often, I sure wouldn't be able to deal with the stress my wife lays on me.
  • by Bodrius ( 191265 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:33AM (#10872393) Homepage
    Also, a minor nitpick, but what IS a "Brain Scientist"?

    Is that like an Eye Doctor? Or a Budget Man?

    If you're going to bother to invent technical words (erototoxins) to replace real, existing, technical words (hormones, neurotransmitters et al), or to go ahead and talk about psychopharmacological implants... it would be sensible to name the specialty whose findings you're quoting (neurologists, psychiatrists, cognitive scientists, whatever).

    Particularly if you're making the case that memory is brain-damaging sexual abuse (the informed consent bit).

    By that logic, to avoid leaving traces in the brain of highly excitatory stimuli, all minors should be stored in sensorial deprivation tanks to be fed approved stimuli by their parents.

    It's the only way to avoid brain damage!

  • by NoMercy ( 105420 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:34AM (#10872405)
    You know, some people use porn as part of keeping a marage alive and interesting...

    Though it takes two to tango, and normally one or the other probably objects to porn.
  • by h4rm0ny ( 722443 ) * on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:36AM (#10872412) Journal

    Why do we perceive a natural act to be less suitable for our kids to view?

    It's about power. Sex is freedom, sex with who you want is more freedom. Sex is the purpose of everything - if you're having sex then you're winning the game. If you're having sex with more people than the president is, then in evolutionary terms, you're beating him. Wealth? For men it's a means to attract a mate. Power? For men it's a way to drive off rivals. Sex is what it all comes down to. If you want control over other people. If you want real control over them, you need to control their sex lives. Without that, you've got no hold over them that they wont break.

    Violence? Violence is just a nasty little game that the powerful can beat you at everytime.

  • don't believe him? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by CAIMLAS ( 41445 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:37AM (#10872414)
    Don't believe him?

    Then quit for a week. You'll be back at it within two days, because "it's not a problem". Just do it to see if you can last a week.

    The chemicals released by human orgasm shouldn't be under-estimated in their addictive powers. Sex has been the second most powerful driving force in shaping human society, bar only power.
  • by h4rm0ny ( 722443 ) * on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:42AM (#10872436) Journal

    Oh and I'm sorry to reply to my own post, but one last thing to add to that list....

    Women. Women are the key, they give or withold sex, they choose or reject the mate. At least that's the way it was in evolutionary terms. If you want an explanation about why the powerful subjugate and repress women so violently, reject female sexuality so utterly, that is why.

    A woman who is sexually free determines the success or failure of the males around her by her choice and that takes away from the alpha male's power over his lessors.
  • by rycamor ( 194164 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:44AM (#10872441)
    Ummm... porn has no connection to violence? (Not to mention the implied and/or explicit misogyny evident in most porn)

    "Teaching" kids through "Visual media"? Just look at how these words are being used. This is one step removed from Newspeak.

    Yes, teenage (and pre-teenage) boys will usually find access to porn sooner or later, and this happened to a lesser degree even before the internet. But, there is something profoundly creepy about the thought of a father "introducing" his kids to the idea of sex through porn. This is not education, it is escapism. Porn never teaches about the reality of such things, but instead creates a completely unrealistic fantasy. I can't think of any better way to make my child unhappy for life than to teach him or her to use porn as the model for life.
  • by saltydogdesign ( 811417 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:44AM (#10872446)

    Some people are addicted to books.

    This remark inadvertently reveals part of what is ridiculous about this whole issue. Addiction is a medical term with a specific meaning applying to chemicals that produce a change in the brain causing the user to require more of those chemicals. We're talking alcohol, nicotine, heroin. Not shopping, not porn, not TV.

    Any activity can become habitual, but fools like these have simply hijacked the term addiction in order to drag all of the worst aspects of that clinical condition into an argument about a habit. If I were to start describing Republicans as a cancer, most people would understand that to be a metaphor; here we see a bunch of tumors in suits trying hard to reify their metaphors.

    To which, I say, we should attack these idiots with giant macrophages.

  • by bladesjester ( 774793 ) <slashdot.jameshollingshead@com> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:45AM (#10872449) Homepage Journal
    and how many of them have actually read it? Care to place bets that it's probably less than 20%?
  • by pilkul ( 667659 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:59AM (#10872506)
    I completely agree with you that kids should be taught about sex: that's why I would encourage mine to read sex education books, Savage Love [] and watch highbrow erotic films. But most porn is not educational: it's nothing but lies, misogyny and ugly fantasies. Children exposed to porn without any understanding of its falseness could well develop misunderstandings and bad attitudes that screw up their sex life when they grow up.

    On the other hand, developing bad attitudes towards violence screws up nothing in their life (since the misunderstandings are rarely so bad that it would actually cause them to go out and hurt people). That's why I would argue porn is more harmful to children than violence.

  • by melted ( 227442 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:00AM (#10872513) Homepage
    Pornography is exactly showing people having sexual intercourse. Pornography is LEGAL. Its distribution to minors is not.
  • by corbettw ( 214229 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:07AM (#10872539) Journal
    With the Federal deficit having grown to historically unprecedented proportions

    I agree with you that this is a problem.

    the US dollar having sunk to record lows

    This part I don't think is so bad. When the dollar is weaker, it encourages other countries to buy our products, because they can get them more cheaply.

    many Americans dying on the street because they cannot get health insurance

    Yeah, I tripped over three dead bodies today just walking to the coffee shop! If they won't give us free health care, the least they could do is clean up all the damn corpses!

    I'm glad to see our elected officials devoting their time, energy and our money to wiping out nudie pictures on the net.

    Personally, I think it was just an excuse for a bunch of dirty old men to "research" Internet porn. I wonder how many recesses the chairman of the committee called in any given hour?
  • by mark-t ( 151149 ) <markt@nerdf[ ].com ['lat' in gap]> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:09AM (#10872559) Journal
    It is worth noting that in all likelihood heterosexual behavior evolved into existence in the first place as the "norm" because it maximized our potential for survival. On an evolutionary scale, homosexuality appears to be an behavorial aberation that can only continue to survive if we use some artificial means to keep it going. When all is said and done, however, it's an evolutionary dead end, unless it can be shown to be placing upper limits on our population so that the planet does not overcrowd.

    Of course, this doesn't make homosexuality "wrong"... it's merely one part of the vast human condition that we must deal with every day.

  • by deglr6328 ( 150198 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:28AM (#10872662)
    " But if this is all they see, if they don't become aware of the tremendous potential in the emotional side of sex, then maybe they'll always be less satisfied than they would be if they realized they can trump the porn stars every time with just a modicum of tenderness."

    I've always thought the "porn will make you desensitized to or unable to feel real love" mantra was purposterous. Only an absolute idiot or someone who is already completely emotionally disfunctional could have this actually happen by simply watching other people have sex. Love and affection are natural human emotions, not some delicate and fragile artificial constructs which are somehow shattered at a mere glimpse of non-procreative sex, for instance. Analogous to your reasoning, I think, would be that watching professional sports obsessively "or at an important time in someone's life"(whenever that is), causes harm by making the viewer think that all there is to sport is harsh ruthless competition for the biggest cash payoff and most signing bonuses, and because this is all they see they will now be incapable of playing sport for the sake of enjoyment and FUN....Pretty ridiculous eh?
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:46AM (#10872754)
    The reason women were treated like property is that the only way to get a human male to stay with the wife and kids was to give him a sense of ownership. In the wild, in most cases the strongest male has all the women, and no responsibilty for the children. In society, men where made to 'own' the women so that they'd feel like they where losing something by leaving. Now that this sense of ownership is gone (and has been replaced by a new breed of woman who have all the privileges and none of the responsiblites of marriage), men are leaving in droves. Hence the high devorice rate and number of fathers who won't support their children.

    Furthermore, women don't make choices to shift power around, but instead follow existing power. 90% of women marry up. That sexual freedom is a practical if not actual illusion. This is why societies need monogomous relationships. There's nothing more dangerous than a poor, desparate and horny guy with no family. People like that crash planes into buildings.
  • reality... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MadAhab ( 40080 ) < minus bsd> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:52AM (#10872777) Homepage Journal
    I worked in a video store... It's not a safe assumption that one or the other objects. It was very common, for instance, to see a guy rent a porn flick and a girl to return it the next morning.

    A difference of willingness is a fair bet with, say introducing a third party into the sex relationship (jealousy is very common), but I can't possibly tell you how many couples enjoy porn together, based on what I've personally observed. Models, Ivy leaguers, union members, women's college grads, Christians, Jews, blue collar workers, Midwesterners, Europeans, Asians, gay men, African-Americans, lesbians, nerds, virgins; outside of religious fundamentalists, I can't think of a single group I haven't personally observed to show enthusiam for porn (well, maybe Arabs, but I'm not ready to lump them in with their fundamentalist brethren just because I lack sufficient cultural exposure). Except for Canadians; they might just be Satan's squeaky clean naughty milkmaids. Come here, Canada; you need a spanking.

    People like to alter their consciousness (with drugs or otherwise). People like porn. Get used to it, and try to minimize harm. And frankly, that is 10,000 times more important than any particular moral bugaboo (and if you think otherwise, clearly you favor societal harm over disrupting your personal mental illnesses).

  • by coyote-san ( 38515 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:03AM (#10872824)
    Homosexuality could be a manifestation of something entirely unrelated but beneficial to the gene pool.

    Two examples that are nearly canonical now:

    1) People of African descent have a significantly higher risk of sickle cell anemia. Clearly an evolutionary mistake, right? Wrong - the same gene provides significantly better protection against malaria. Some people die miserable deaths from SCA, but in evolutionary terms that's preferable to many more people dying miserable deaths from malaria.

    2) There appears to be a high correlation between genius and mental illness, esp. bipolar illness. Some people think this is two different aspects of the same thing - eliminate bipolar illness and you'll eliminate genius. For all we know this is why homo sapiens sapiens has spread across the planet while all of our evolutionary forebears and cousins had limited ranges.
  • by Mr. Slippery ( 47854 ) <tms&infamous,net> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:14AM (#10872868) Homepage
    You mention killing, maiming, and torturing. BDSM is common in pornography

    BDSM is not killing, maiming, or torturing. A pro football game is closer to killing, maiming, and torturing than what goes on in most BDSM scenes.

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:26AM (#10872905)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by megaversal ( 229407 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:27AM (#10872912)
    That always amazes me, things like... SUVs with bumper stickers for Kerry. It just goes to prove (in my opinion) that the parties don't mean much except "more power to the rich." The moral issues drive the elections because rich hippies (oxymoron? not in LA) have issues with the war and whether gay people should be allowed to do something or other, but not about ruining the environment.
  • by G-funk ( 22712 ) <> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:27AM (#10872915) Homepage Journal
    Emotional and marriage problems caused by porn?? Holy befrackin jebus.

    Here's a tip: If you love porn, don't marry a woman who hates porn. She will find it. Who wants to spend 50 years pretending you don't like to watch people fuck?
  • by Foolhardy ( 664051 ) <csmith32 AT gmail DOT com> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:28AM (#10872919)
    Just as getting an unrealistic picture of violence; that it is the solution to many problems, or that the heroes (who are designed to identify with the viewer) never die, and when hurt recover quickly and completely. These are falsities that can be at least as dangerous.

    The common problem is unrealism. Depictions of either can be good (in moderation) when they are realistic, and both can be damaging when they are not.
  • Re:Wait. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dyolf Knip ( 165446 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:29AM (#10872925) Homepage
    Crack, heroin, gambling, the big three right now--they all have the very real potential to take every dime a person owns without ever looking back, and for this reason they are legislated against.

    Lemme see here. Someone doesn't like XYZ, so we'll make it illegal, thus driving it onto the black market, where the cost will rise by a factor of 100 and quality control will drop to null, and trade in the product will fall entirely into the domain of criminals. And when all that's done, and we're arresting 800,000 people a year for being caught holding a plant, then we'll pat ourselves on the back on what a kindly service we're doing making these expensive, dangerous, criminal drugs illegal. Do you really think heroin is illegal because it's expensive, or is it perhaps the other way around? May I remind you that hemp and marijuana at one time could be found growing in road-side ditches along half of all US roads? it's not called 'weed' for nothing.

    Have you ever read some of the claims early proponents of prohibition made about drugs? They are farcical beyond the limits of credulity. The sort of things that only someone who was out to ban a product no matter what the reality would say. In fact, it sounds a lot like the outrageous claims the Kansas senator is spouting. How wonderful, Ashcroft kicks off the War on Copying, followed closely by the War on Porn. Give these guys a few more years, I'm sure they'll work their way through the entire dictionary of things to declare war on.
  • by killjoe ( 766577 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:30AM (#10872930)
    Porn is fantasy, fantasy is by definition that which is very hard for you to obtain.

    Porn is full of horny women who want nothing more then to have sex with you and who enjoy it immensely during the process.

    You may think that's ugly but it's simply the thing males want because they don't have it. If your wife/girlfriend/randomgirl desparately wanted you and enjoyed sex with you immensely then you probably would not be watching so much porn.

  • by Mr. Slippery ( 47854 ) <tms&infamous,net> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:31AM (#10872935) Homepage
    Let's just face the facts that some people are more prone to addictive behaviors

    Sometimes I yearn for the good old days, when "addiction" was a meaningful concept.

    Used to be addiction was a definite syndrome of drug use marked by tolerance, withdrawl, continued use in the face of health problems, and repeated failed attempts to quit.

    Then the drug warriors noticed that this pattern doesn't occur with some of the drugs they wanted to demonize and ban. So the concept of "psychological addiction" - i.e., you really like to do something we don't want you to do - was born.

    Then the pseudo-moralists and control freaks (a group with a larger overlap with the drug warriors) noticed that this vague new definition of addiction could also be applied to gambling, porn, and other behaviors they called "sinful". Bam! Now we all get to be addicts.

    Yes, there are people who engage in stupid and unhealthy patterns of behavior involving porn, gambling, love, sex, TV, music, friendships, religion, computers, the net, fandom, and pretty much anything else. But lumping these all under the label "addiction" is not helpful, except to authoritarians, the burgeoning "treatment" industry, and "twelve step" cults.

  • by Frogbert ( 589961 ) <frogbert@gma[ ]com ['il.' in gap]> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:36AM (#10872957)
    Porn doesn't even change your brain. That comment is utterly stupid. Ofcouse people have a hard time giving up SEX. Its biologicaly programmed into us for gods sake.
  • by rzbx ( 236929 ) <slashdot @ r z b x . org> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:47AM (#10872997) Homepage
    "...the brain doesn't return to normal once the drug is out of the system."

    What is normal? One must realize our brain changes every second to then understand why some will argue damage to the brain, whatever the reason. You injest any substance that has an effect on the brain in some way and it will change it. The question then is, what is damage. With illegal substances it is hard to get the real truth because little to no research is done on those substances beyond those supported by the same organizations that promote its illegality. With other substances like caffeine it is a little easier, but few people know because they don't read the books, rsearch journals, and non-mainstream information sources that pertain to effects of substances on the brain. So what causes damage? One would still need to explain what damage means. I've done a lot of reading into neuroscience and other brain related material and find that what some define as damage can b edescribed as the complete opposite. It is funny to hear some say "We are finding that even a single use can produce brain changes" because a single day of not injesting any "brain changing" substance can produce brain changes. It depends on the state of mind, what one is doing, is something being learned, are new thoughts producing a change in point-of-view on current knowledge, etc. If one spends an hour learning something new. Back to brain damage. A substance would have to show physical damage to the brain, such as cells being destroyed. This is not what many are using to back up their claims of brain damage. With the more advanced brain research, one could easily find data to fit their view. While one scientist may say that brain damage is occuring, another will say that the brain is using less of the brain to accomplish the same task. Whole one will say that it makes a person less intelligent, another will say it makes them more intelligent. Which one will you believe? Why not try and understand what information is being presented and why? Expect a biased opinion favoring the financier. It is difficult to provide a definitive picture of long-term effects of any substance that does not actually cause physical damage. If one speaks of social damage for example, then one would have to remove the barriers of illegality and perception of a substance. Those supporting prohibition will continue to provide "evidence" of brain damage due to a substance without acknowledging other factors. if you were supporting prohibition, would you acknowledge the problems created due to prohibition itself? Your post is misleading. It is true, but under a narrow interpretation of data.
  • I can't believe no one else has responded to this.

    Here's a reason why a man might stay with a wife and kids: love. Do you really believe our ancestors were so fundamentally different in their emotions that they valued "ownership" above love?

    I dispute your assertion that in "most" cases in the wild, "the strongest male has all the women and no responsibility for the children". Certainly in some cases the former is true, but not most. And the males of any species will have "biological" responsibilities; that is, they will seek to increase the survivability of their offspring.

    Finally, I think your math is wrong if you believe 90% of women marry up. Where is that figure from? How many generations do you think that figure could hold?

  • by SonicSpike ( 242293 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @03:38AM (#10873188) Journal
    I fall into the same catagory as you (check out my website). I am a Christian and a libertarian.

    What most people fail to realize is that the idea of seperation of church and state is there to protect the church just as much as it is to protect the state. Look in history when the church and state were either one in the same or very close to one another. It wasn't good for the church, nor was it good for the state. Think Rome, Britian, Spain...

    Also, I think that we have to remember that under no circumstances should we attempt to impose our moralities on others via legislation/regulation. The reasoning behind this is that if/when we become a minority in this country then we don't want someone imposing their morals on us. The best way to avoid this is to ensure that the gov doesn't have power to legislate morality.

    Now of course this takes into account the ideas that your rights end where mine begin (ie - you can't infringe on my rights by killing, stealing, raping etc...).

    A couple of final thoughts:
    1) I wish my fellow Christians would pull their heads out of their rear ends and think about things critically. The faith is spiritual but the world is intellectual - most Christians only get the first half of that.


    2) I wish all of these athiest/secular humanists/agnostics (whoever) would quit labeling all Christians as prudes and mental cave men. Those are extreme gross generalizations.

    And to everyone out there reading this I drink every once in a while, I listen to Metallica (the old stuff), I watch R rated movies, I have a high IQ, I believe evolution is a viable theory, I also happen to worship the Lord and love Jesus. People can still have their faith and enjoy life too!
  • by Dominic_Mazzoni ( 125164 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @04:26AM (#10873320) Homepage
    Now that this sense of ownership is gone (and has been replaced by a new breed of woman who have all the privileges and none of the responsiblites of marriage), men are leaving in droves. Hence the high devorice rate and number of fathers who won't support their children.

    I call bullshit, since most divorces are initiated by women []
  • by CharlesEGrant ( 465919 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @05:21AM (#10873455)
    Most societies arranged marriges for profit and convience. Love never factored into it. It's only recent that the quaint notion of love had any force beyond poems and books.
    You are way overstating your case.
    Consider the myth of Isis and Osiris, Penelope and Ulysses from Homer's Oddessy, Dido and Aeneas from Virgil's Aeneid, dozens of stories from "The Arabian Nights", and so on. You can dismiss them as just books and poems, but the audience wouldn't have found these stories affecting if they hadn't some relationship to the travails of their own lives. And it isn't just the fiction and mythology. I think if you read the social commentaries of ancient times you'll find they too remark on the conflict between marriage for practical reasons and marriage for love. Economics and politics have usually had the last word in most marriages, but marriage for love was not unknown even in the ancient world.
    I guess my point about most wild animals could be argued, but in any case that is certainly how human society operates. Strong, weathly men get desirable mates (and in the absence of anti-Bigamy laws, lots of them). Any King's Harem will prove my point
    How do you explain the existence of anti-polygamy laws then? The powerful male with the harem is just one of dozens if not hundreds of reproductive strategies that have evolved across the living world. The fascinating thing about humans is that we employ several of them at once.
    But take everything I say with a grain of salt. As someone who has watched his brother methodically destroyed by an unwanted child and a scheming woman
    Uh huh. Look, condoms break, diaphrams leak, women lie about being on the pill, men promise to pull out. Any act of coitus between a man and a woman may result in a pregnancy. Someone has to care for his child, I don't see why your brother shouldn't be on top of the list. I'm sorry your brother got involved with a scheming woman, but it was his choice to sleep with her.
  • by javaman235 ( 461502 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @05:25AM (#10873471)
    This [] is more repugnant than any porn I have ever seen.
    click here [] for more pictures of children blown away in iraq.
  • by Grendel Drago ( 41496 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @06:03AM (#10873570) Homepage
    As True Porn Clerk Stories [] put it...

    I get sort of conflicted about throwing kids and teenagers out of the porn section. I really don't want them down there, not because I think sex is dirty or bad, but because I don't want them to think that that's what sex is about. The stuff on our boxes is sex in the basest, sometimes most brutal terms - naked women spreading their relevant orifices and making that Porn Face. Unless you're talking about the Max Hardcore series, which involves women with "SLUT" and "WHORE" written across their foreheads in lipstick. And besides - do we really need to raise another generation of men who can't deal with pubic hair?

    So I don't feel bad about getting them out of there, except that I'm very conscious of the fact that I'm a woman while I'm doing it. I worry that I'm either setting up or reinforcing the idea that there are fun, bad women who like sex and good, boring women who restrict access to sex.

    I always want to debrief them. "Hey, guys, it's cool that you're curious, but this isn't the way to find out. Porn is fine, but it's not real sex. Real sex is great, and even good girls love it, but it has to be a two-way street..." But I always just end up with "Sorry, guys - come back when you're 21." Perhaps I should write a children's book. Porn Is Healthy and Fine, but Only as a Temporary Physical Release.

    It's true. Most of it is just incompetent, but some of it is actively... repulsive. Well, to me at least. The "Bangbus" stuff that was so, so popular on the campus network just left me kinda icked out. Where's the fun in degrading someone like that?

    Now, compare that with Buttman: The Fashionistas, in which everyone's having a grand old time beating the heck out of each other. Because the participants wear wackier clothing and hit each other, it's supposedly more perverse... but I find it a lot more wholesome than "Bangbus" or anything in a similar mold.

    'Course, given that I get all my porn from the internet, or make it myself, I probably don't have a representative sample.

    Perhaps I'm missing something. Is there something terribly alluring about bullying women? It's like being in high school again.

    I'd like to hear uplifting and affirming stories about good porn, if anyone has 'em.

    --grendel drago
  • by Grendel Drago ( 41496 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @06:12AM (#10873594) Homepage
    Pornography psychopharmacologically imprints young brains --- thereby invalidating notions of informed consent.

    I'm reading this as, "when you get a hard-on, you lose all sense of right and wrong, and become a rampaging rapist".

    Hasn't that, you know, not been in style since the eighteen fucking hundreds? Am I missing something here?

    --grendel drago
  • by drgonzo59 ( 747139 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @06:48AM (#10873696)
    I asked the same question a while ago when discussing the ratings for movies. How a movie with limbs flying and bodies being blown left and right gets a PG-13. But a normal love scene might get a movie an R or NC-17. And one the guys on the forum nailed it down. He said that violence in this country (US) is a public issue, so violence is in the news and in the movies (I would say that disturbingly enough, even sex is mostly connected with violence in Hollywood movies). On the other hand, sex is a very private issue. It is partly from the puritanical background: touching yourself in the "nono" region is "bad". Talking about it - "bad". Showing it on the screen - NC-17, blow the same character up with a granade - PG-13. I think that mostly explained it for me. I did not grow up in this country, so I couldn't quite grasp, why this scrizophrenic attitude toward sex? Don't show it, don't talk about it, but the porno business is a multibillion dollar industry.

    In the end I should remark that I do not endorse exposing children to sexual acts or nudity in the media, I would just support stricter control of violence.

  • by KDR_11k ( 778916 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @08:16AM (#10873925)
    So, if we're going to ban porn because of its addictiveness are we going to ban news, too?

    I'm an information addict. I spend half my day browsing various news sites (no, not pornographic) and forums to read new information. I rarely remember what I read, I just read for reading's sake. I barely get to do anything else and when I do I often want to stop pretty soon and get back to the information. If you spend your leisure time reading Slashdot (or other news sources) instead of doing other things you usually love to do (e.g. play games if you're a gamer) you are another victim.

    Sources: 1 [], 2 [] (NYTimes, reg or circumvention required), 3 []

    There might be a connection between these two forms of addiction, after all porn is a form of information, too, right?
  • by Vellmont ( 569020 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @10:25AM (#10874313) Homepage
    Oh please. Thanks for the anecdotal evidence based on conversations with "one person".

    How can any reasonable person really believe that someone can be "drawn into homesexuality" because of pornography? So you then believe that you personally could "turn gay" by simply just viewing gay porn? Maybe you're just less sure of your sexuality than most people.

    I'd be much more apt to believe that people raised to believe homosexuality is a sin just need an excuse to explain their attraction to the same sex. Gay porn is a perfect excuse, with a great amount of plausible deniability later on. "Oh I'm not really gay, it's all that confounded gay porn! Really I'm a good person, not one of them sinners!".

    I find this whole anti-gay thing one of the most shamefull things about the Judeo-Christian-Islam religion (though admitedly I'm not certain how anti-gay Judaism is). They're not all the same religion, but they all share this same belief and all believe in different versions of the same god.
  • by DoctorDyna ( 828525 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @11:39AM (#10874633)
    Who cares? It's a body, get over it. Sex is something humans do. Christians are always attacking sex because they can't bear the thought of something that they do being pleasurable.

    I cant fathom how our congress is concerned with people, private citezens, who might look or see pornography on their computers, which by the way is no different from the 70's and 80's when all we had were tapes. The internet has simply sped up the process, as it has for everything else that it has an effect on.

    Im just sick of all these high-road people who will hide every bit of sexually related material from their lives, and then they turn around and plop themselves in front of CNN and watch people die on live tv. This seems to me like the general public is more comfortable watching one person shoot another in the head than watch two people have sex. It's fine to bring your 15 year old kid into a movie theater to watch Hannibal Lechter eat sombody's brain, but how many of you would have left the theater with your kids if he threw Foster down on the table and made love to her. Values are F**KED.

    Just remember that when you are browsing your teenager's internet cache looking for evidence of "deviancy" there is most likely sombody selling crack cocaine a block away from your kid's high school.

  • Nanny nation (Score:4, Insightful)

    by t_allardyce ( 48447 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @11:55AM (#10874714) Journal
    Obviously the problem here is not pornography, but these 'naturally occurring opioids'! if you want to solve the problem, you're going to have to ban them - obviously that means banning orgasms! Because what this is suggesting is that not only can society not handle artificial drugs, but we can't handle the natural drugs in our own body! The whole issue of censorship here is completely screwed up, someone can be pretty arousing when they are fully clothed, in fact often more so than when they're totally naked - so censorship is not only draconian, its useless! People learn to combat addictions, and those who don't, well lets just say evolution trims off the crud.

    Learning to live in society is like being pushed out of the birds nest, if you don't learn how to deal with a reasonable amount of issues early on then you are totally fucked for life. Go look at the Taliban or Saudi Arabia, their philosophy is light-years ahead of the Christian-right, cover all women and no-one will think about sex. It doesn't work and even worse is that when someone who has been pampered into this 'zero-porn' environment leaves they have major issues. Just imagine how a child would turn out if they were waited on hand and foot from birth, never allowed to so much as cross the road or plug something in on their own because it was too dangerous, imagine they had everything handled for them and everything in their life was sugar coated; would they be able to deal with the outside world? The opposite end of that scenario is if the kid had been allowed to do anything and go anywhere from birth, nature suggests that they would probably get hit by the first car they saw.

    There's a balance - people should grow up in an environment as free as possible but with enough restrictions to keep them safe enough to live and not get trauma for life. There are some things that people have to deal with and learn from or else they are going to be weaklings, deal with porn, its not going to kill you.
  • by Xyrus ( 755017 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @12:48PM (#10874962) Journal
    "...but pornographic images stay in the brain forever"

    So do images of your children. And your wife. And your family.

    So does an image of a human being being torn to shreds from from an RPG in Iraq, or a beheading, or a video of missles hitting large crowds of people, or war. But we have plenty of kids over there witnessing that.

    Fucking assholes.

  • by h4rm0ny ( 722443 ) * on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:13PM (#10875103) Journal


    Perhaps I should clarify what I meant, then.

    Firstly, the context in which I was talking was evolutionary terms. Any developments in the last two-thousand years will be marginal. Now, if you have a social group of humans, be that tribe, hunter-gatherers, town or village, then you have the males striving for a hierarchy.

    But the ultimate purpose of it all is sex, reproduction. Now if a woman is free to choose her mate, to say "I want that one," then she will have power in determining status. Really, she has the strongest say in determining that status.

    Now in order for a male or group of males to usurp that power and control the social order themselves, they must take away a woman's ability to choose her mates. Otherwise, the other males will not care what the 'powerful' males want. They will have mates and will fight to defend her and their reproductive rights.

    Hence in a patriarchal society such as historically the Christian West, or modern day Saudi Arabia, women have no sexual freedom. A woman who expresses sexual desire is damned wholeheartedly. And that is because a sexually free woman would upset the male hierarchy that has its roots in reproductive rights.

    THAT is what I meant. Contrary to what you might believe, women will not always choose George Bush (Ewww!) over a ordinary decent man they can call their own. The powerful might be able to "get laid as much as they want," but they can't have most of the women they want. I promise you.

  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:24PM (#10875169)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by CranberryKing ( 776846 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @02:07PM (#10875428)
    Of course it's addictive. But so is e-mail and slashdot. Quake3 & filesharing. Everything about the Internet. Some of us were adults before this Internet thing exploded and remember adult life then. The thing is immediate gratification and conveniences have made life more complex. I would say it's more of an issue for young people, but this is the new world and it's not going back ever. You wanted to have all your computers talk to eachother and now you have it. (learn appropriate latin phase and enter here. Damm.) be careful what you wish for?.. Remember your grandparents(?) stories of horse carriges and gentleman callers? Those days were gone long before the Internet. This is just the newest level. Okay people, keep on poping more kids out. Theyre going to have quite a ride ahead.
  • Re:reality... (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 20, 2004 @03:36PM (#10875892)
    "Here is some reality for you. Did Ted Bundy minimize harm by looking at porn? He said himself that porn is what started him down the path to kill. At the very least it didn't help."

    So we got *one* person who porn probably didn't help. That's not really a convincing argument for anything.

    And that he tried to blame porn isn't indicative of anything either, he was a lying, killing, psycopathic fucker. Don't you think he'd try anything that had even a remote chance of not getting him executed?

    Still, the site is pretty funny.
  • by Phroggy ( 441 ) * <slashdot3.phroggy@com> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @04:00PM (#10876051) Homepage
    Actually, isn't it legal in most states to get married at 16, with parental consent? Presumably it's also legal to have sex with your wife under those circumstances? But perhaps not legal to take pictures of it?
  • by bhsurfer ( 539137 ) <> on Saturday November 20, 2004 @04:14PM (#10876138)
    the biggest problem with your statement is that there doesn't need to be an argument to "legalize" porn because it's legal. the convincing argument that i dont see is the one which states that it should be made illegal.

    it's a pretty typical tactic to compare one thing to another when they're not related, in this case drugs and pornography. these are separate issues and should be handled as such. trying to lump them together under the category of "these are activities that i don't approve of" isn't going to cut it. perhaps if people would stop trying to make such broadly generalized categories such as "this is *good*, this is *bad*" they might be able to actually think a little more critically about some of these problems rather than respond with a knee-jerk "this must be stopped" mentality.

  • by Tassach ( 137772 ) on Sunday November 21, 2004 @12:49AM (#10878950)
    How do you explain the existence of anti-polygamy laws then?
    Because Christian extremists feel compelled to use the power of the Government to impose their religious dogma on the whole of society.
  • by MadAhab ( 40080 ) < minus bsd> on Wednesday November 24, 2004 @12:52AM (#10906827) Homepage Journal
    Right. Most people, even many scientists, make an appalling mess of understanding evolution.

    If, for example, it turned out that homosexuals were more prevalent in affluent societies, cities, large families, and areas where population density is higher (all the only-child gay residents of Nebraska say holler - I thought so), one might hypothesize that a genetic predisposition to homosexuality (even - or especially - if only in high-density populations) have an evolutionary advantage of reducing inter-male conflict (by removing some males from competition for available females) and increasing social survival (by having more surplus productivity due to having no children of their own to care for, or by having unattached males available to fight wars). The result might well be a more affluent society with less internal violence and better evolutionary prospects for the offspring.

    There are lots of sound reasons that having some homosexual individuals in a population might have an evolutionary advantage for the population.

Nothing happens.
