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Act Now To Sidestep A W3C Patent Pitfall 210

Jay Sulzberger, Corresponding Secretary of LXNY (New York's Free Computing Organization) writes with a report on the ongoing fight over patents in Web standards. "In the past two years the Free Software Movement has moved W3C, the Official Standards Body of the World Wide Web, from a proposed patent policy, which would have, in future, denied us our present right to full and free use of free software to build the Web, to a policy intended to guarantee that free software may be used without fear of patent encumbrances. This move is an important victory for us. But the present proposed policy on patents has a bug that is worth fixing. The mechanism of the bug is non-obvious, except to people who have studied the GPL and certain other free software licenses. It is a bug that, if the proposal is made an official standard, would allow for patent encumbrances to be laid on certain free software in circumstances where today no encumbrance is allowed." Read the rest of Jay's commentary (below) on this devil in the details.

Here is what the Free Software Foundation says on its front page about this bug:

"The W3C 'Royalty-Free' patent policy proposal does not protect the rights of the Free Software community to full participation in the implementation and extension of web standards. Please read more on this issue and send a comment to the W3C."

Part of the effort that moved the W3C to its present position was a furious outpouring of comments in opposition to the original proposal of the Englobulators:

The fix needed right now is a small fix. But the W3C must again be reminded with what jealous vigor we guard our right to build our Web the way we have built it down to this day, using free software. The bug appears in Item 3 of Section 3, titled 'W3C Royalty-Free (RF) Licensing Requirements,' of the present proposal.

This Item allows for a supposedly free grant to use a patent to be so restricted that a piece of Web infrastructure software might be encumbered if used for some non-Web use. Since the GPL does not allow such encumbrancing, GPL-ed Web software re-purposed for non-Web use could not be legally freely redistributed. Please read the Free Software Foundation's page on this bug.

Here is the official Last Call for Comments.

If you write a comment in your own words, for repair of the bug, it will help. I shall write in, and I shall argue against adoption of the buggy sub-section. I shall also suggest an extension of the deadline for comments.

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Act Now To Sidestep A W3C Patent Pitfall

Comments Filter:
  • by persist1 ( 111477 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:08PM (#4984214) Homepage

    Also of note:

    Working Draft, W3C Patent Policy [w3.org]...


    The W3C Royalty-Free Patent Policy governs the handling of patents in the process of producing Web standards. The goal of this policy is to assure that Recommendations produced under this policy can be implemented on a royalty-free basis.
  • by DeLabarre ( 236800 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:16PM (#4984260)
    No, what the FSF wants is for the W3C standard to be defined in a way that GPL'ed software can comply with. If complying with the W3C standard requires the use of any restricted software technology, then there might not be compliant GPL browsers and servers, and everyone loses.

    If the patent owners don't want to release their IP, then the patented technology shouldn't be part of the standard. Period.
  • Blah! (Score:3, Informative)

    by Dr. Evil ( 3501 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:24PM (#4984315)

    You can't GPL a specification, that doesn't make any sense. You can GPL a document which contains a specification, but to protect the specification itself, you would have to patent it.

    The GPL has nothing to do with patents, it has to do with copyright. If patents try to assert control over copy-rights, then the GPL has something to say.

    If that is it, I suppose an illustration of the implementation and the problem, would be that if GIFs were part of the standard, then we could read them from the web, and generate them for the web, but using the software for non-web purposes would be restricted?

    I think what they're saying here is that people could patent use of software outside the domain of the web, and use the patented technology as part of the web standard... crippling implementations of free software in such a way that they cannot evolve beyond the web. Could intranets be a problem?

    I don't really get it, as a patent is a patent is a patent. There are plenty of things free software can't do now just because of patents. This may actually be to our bennefit as patent-encumbured technologies would have to shed control if they wanted to be incorporated into the web...

    Insert obligatory "patents are stupid" comment here.

  • by vadim_t ( 324782 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:25PM (#4984326) Homepage
    So I'll paste a bit from the fsf site:

    Here's a detailed step-by-step example that shows how this problem could play out:

    Programmer P downloads the Konqueror web browser, receiving it under terms of GPL.

    P learns of a new web standard that requires exercising a technique for parsing URLs that is patented by Corporation C. C has licensed the patent under an RF, non-exclusive license, but with a "field of use" restriction that says the license can be used to "implement the standard". The standard, as it turns out, covers only what browsers must do with URLs, and says nothing about the server side or clients that aren't user browsers.

    P implements this technique in Konqueror, and seeks to redistribute the modified version on his website so that other users can benefit from Konqueror now complying with the standard. If he does, he is bound by the GPL under copyright law, because he is redistributing a modified version.

    However, he knows full well of a condition on that code that contradicts the GPL (violating Section 7) -- namely, he knows that C's patent license prohibits folks from taking his URL parsing code and putting it into, say, a search engine. Therefore, under GPL Section 7, he is prohibited from redistribution.

    You might think that he can simply assign his copyright to the existing copyright holder of Konqueror let distribution happen from that source. They could distribute under GPL, but they would be granting a self-contradicting license. Nothing (to my knowledge, but IANAL) prohibits someone from distributing copyrighted works under licenses that make no sense and are self-contradictory. However, it is certainly true that those who receive distribution of the works are stuck and can't undertake further distribution or modification themselves.

    The way I understand it is that it can create a weird situation. Suppose I write code to parse Yahoo pages to extract information from them. Suppose that Yahoo uses some technology licensed in this way on their site. Now they can stop me because it's not a web browser.
  • by Zeinfeld ( 263942 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:34PM (#4984392) Homepage
    Contrary to what the FSF is saying the issue is neither trivial nor a bug.

    This Item allows for a supposedly free grant to use a patent to be so restricted that a piece of Web infrastructure software might be encumbered if used for some non-Web use.

    The issue for me as an architect (I have written IETF, W3C and OASIS standards) is that I don't necessarily own all the IP that I need to address a problem. If I need to get an IP owner to donate their property for the common good my job is easiest if I have to ask for as little as is necessary for the particular purpose.

    Equally when I hold the IP I see little point in giving away more than I need to for the purpose of the Web specification even though my company does not regard patent licensing as a revenue stream. The point is that I might need some IP held by a party that deals in the non-Internet world. I will have an easier time negotiating a license for Internet use if I have some bargaining chips.

    The FSF reading on the situation is 100% about their ideology and has nothing to do with real needs as far as I am concerned. Open Source software is not imune to the patent system. If you modify any open source software sufficiently you will run into a patent infringement.

    If you apply the FSF "logic" you would have to stop distributing gzip because someone could modify it so that it infringed the Unisys LZ patents.

    The W3C does not have a monopoly on standards making and in fact is already seeing a lot of the standards work migrating from to OASIS. Dealing with the cumbersome W3C process and formatting conventions is bad enough without additional IP roadblocks being errected.

    At the end of the day the IP policy is utterly irrelevant since nobody is going to use the specification unless the IP terms are acceptable and they are going to determine what is acceptable, not Tim and certainly not RMS. To date that has generally meant 'free as in beer' however there are many applications where that is simply not achievable, if you want to do voice browsing you will run into IP issues and your choice will be do something encumbered or don't do it at all.

    Don't do it at all may be the FSF answer, but he does not pay $57,500 a year for W3C membership dues. The point that Tim has missed is that the W3C membership is already annoyed on the value for money front, W3C is way more expensive to join than OASIS where we pay $10K. We are also far from happy on the bogus process front, it took me almost a year to get a W3C working group started. I am not happy with a set of document publication rules that are 'standards based' but turn out to mean that you can only edit standards with one editor.

    The last thing W3C needs to do at this stage is to reopen the IP issue with the membership.

  • Re:GPL is the bug. (Score:3, Informative)

    by Chops ( 168851 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:38PM (#4984424)
    This is bunkum.
    I would tend to oppose the use of a standard in which the specification is GPL'd

    Bzzt -- there's no such thing as a specification that's GPLed, or at least I've never seen such a beast. Your post isn't very clear, but it seems you believe that the FSF is trying to promote standards that permit only GPLed implementations -- which isn't even close to what's going on.

    The W3C has adopted a limp-wristed patent policy which would allow a patented technology X into web standards, so long as it was licensed for free use within the context of the relevant web technologies -- but no one, not even commercial entities, would be able to write software which imitated X outside the realm of the WWW. That's bad for everybody except the lawyers.

    The only thing this even has to do with the GPL is that the GPL can't be applied to software which is restricted by patents in this way.
  • by RealAlaskan ( 576404 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:42PM (#4984455) Homepage Journal
    I don't usually complain about moderation, but this shouldn't be +5.

    The GPL is not an unrestricted license.

    True, the GPL does not remove all restrictions which copyright law imposes. How is that relevant to the matter at hand? The matter at hand (I think) is whether we should ensure that standards are implementable by free/Libre software.

    I would tend to oppose the use of a standard in which the specification is GPL'd ...

    The GPL doesn't really make sense when we're talking about something like a document. That's why the FSF folks came up with their free document license. Again, there seems to be no connection to the matter at hand. Now look at the next paragraph:

    If the author of a GPL'd work wishes to submit the protocol involved as a standard, then let him submit it as FREE. He can keep the code GPL'd, but the standard must be free for use -- even by commercial entities.

    This seems to confirm the confusion that the earlier lines hinted at. This talks about restrictions on the text of standards, rather than restrictions on the use of standards.

    This post seems to me to be off-topic. It is tangentially related, perhaps, but it definitely doesn't advance the discussion.

    It might be considered inflammatory, and it almost seems to be deliberately confused, as if it were intended to provoke impassioned responses. In short, it has a smell of troll, or simple ignorance. Now, look at the moderation:

    Moderation Totals: Insightful=3, Informative=1, Overrated=1, Total=5.

    Three insightfuls and an informative? Moderators, if you don't know, don't moderate. Somebody with some mod points should tack on a couple more Overrated's, too.

  • by Zeinfeld ( 263942 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @06:50PM (#4984503) Homepage
    It's interesting to think that Tim Berners-Lee at one time was pushing CERN to release all of the code for the World Wide Web (like http and html) under the GPL.

    That is not quite right, we never relased any code under the GPL. We released the libwww code as public domain, it is not GPL, it is not BSD, it is public domain.

    When GPL was being discussed it was in the context of 'make it free', the GPL was rejected because it did not make the cern code free in the ways we wanted it to be free. We explicitly wanted browsers to be included with computers as a cost free part of the basic operating system. Remember that at the time (91) Mosaic had not even appeared, let alone Netscape. The point is that Tim never wanted the viral aspect and dropped the GNU angle as soon as it was explained to him.

    In the end the public domain route was in large part dictated by political expediency. Explaining GPL or BSD to cern management would have taken a lot more time and led to more opportunity for confusion. Putting the code in the public domain was something they could understand - it had already been done with much of the CERN libraries.

    The mistake that was made was public domain rather than BSD. If we had gone BSD then Mosaic would have been required to state that it used CERN code (60% of the Mosaic code was code from CERN used without attribution). That in turn would have meant that IE would have a credit. As it was the mainstream media did not recognize Tim as the true father of the Web until about 1996, and then only as a result of a major PR campaign led by MIT.

    I would certainly advise researchers to use the BSD license in their code. I would strongly advise against the GPL if you want your ideas to be taken up by industry.

  • FFII (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 30, 2002 @07:23PM (#4984746)
    FFFII SWpat working group takes action on very similar issues.


    and even more important there is a very successful petition against software patents:

  • by Ankh ( 19084 ) on Monday December 30, 2002 @07:42PM (#4984863) Homepage
    It's not that the W3C Team want to see software patents or encumbered specifications. But we can't make them go away.

    So the question becomes, how do we survive, and how does the Web survive, and move forward, in a world with software patents?

    Part of that involves negotiation with the large companies who hold the largest patent portfolios: it would be almost useless trying to publish a patent policy document if the holders of most of the patents didn't agree to it. So there are some pretty complex constraints.

    Simply writing to say, software patents are bad, isn't going to help much. But if you have solid constructive ideas on how to change things, or on how to come to consensus and agreement both with GPL implementations of specifications and with the need that large organizations have stated they have, to keep patents for "deefensive use", I think that would be very helpful.

    Of course, just writing to say you like the current draft patent policy, or that you want to see some specific change, or that you don't like it and why, is also helpful, although it does add work for W3C staff, who are obliged to reply to every comment!

    If you really want to make a difference, write to your political representative - congressperson, member of european parliament, MP, etc. - and say that software patents are bad for business, are bad for research, are bad for the future of the world, and will cause Orcs to attack Helm's Deep.

    Well, maybe Helm's Deep isn't about patents, and not everyone agrees patents (or orcs!) are bad, But if you want software patents to go away you need to be heard. The DMCA had approx. 300 public comments; writing really does make a difference.

    Disclaimer: I am XML Activity Lead at W3C.

  • Jay, you're wrong. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <bruce@perens.com> on Monday December 30, 2002 @07:43PM (#4984871) Homepage Journal
    Folks It is essential for the Free Software community to support the W3C as it stands today. The policy does what it's supposed to do - it protects web standards for Free Software. Unfortunately, if we ask for more than that, we will lose everything we've fought for. The reason is simple. Members join the W3C voluntarily. If a consequence of joining is that any and all of their patents that are used in a standard will become free for any use whatsoever, they will not join, and they will instead make their standards in an organization that lets them charge royalties for use within the standard. We will have lost.

    Nor does it make it impossible for GPL software to make use of the patents. If you want to use a patent in GPL software, put that routine under the MIT license, which does not have the GPL's language regarding patents, and can link with GPL work. This work-around was suggested by Eben Moglen.

    This doesn't mean I support software patents. I think they should be eliminated. But we can't eliminate software patents through W3C - only through legislatures.

    I'll end this with a plea to Jay Sulzberger. Jay, you are working to destroy two years of work by myself, Eben Moglen, and Larry Rosen. You didn't participate in the patent policy working group. I didn't see you volunteer. You don't sufficiently understand the issues yet. Please help us get the current W3C policy accepted, so that things will get better instead of worse.


  • Re:Oy Slashdot! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <bruce@perens.com> on Monday December 30, 2002 @07:50PM (#4984904) Homepage Journal
    Also considering that the people who serve in the W3C patent policy working group are slashdot regulars, and Jay is not. Folks, Jay Sulzberger does not understand the issues and has no authority whatsoever to speak on this topic. The community representatives who worked on this policy for two darned years, cetainly Larry and myself and possibly even Eben, think we got the best deal we could possibly get. Sure, we had to make compromises, sometimes we have to. If we don't take this deal and force them to give up all rights to their patents, the patent holders will walk off of W3C and make standards in an organization that allows them to charge whatever they royalty they ask for use within the standard. We will have lost. Please write W3C and say you approve of the current policy draft.


  • by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <bruce@perens.com> on Monday December 30, 2002 @07:57PM (#4984942) Homepage Journal
    All you need to do is embed the patented practice in a file that is covered by the MIT license, and link it to the GPL stuff. Eben Moglen, the attorney who works on the GPL, suggested this.


  • Re:Oy Slashdot! (Score:4, Informative)

    by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <bruce@perens.com> on Monday December 30, 2002 @08:49PM (#4985216) Homepage Journal
    There's a work-around. You put the patented principle in a MIT-licensed file, and link that to the rest.

    Regarding W3C, if you think they are insensitive, try IETF's attitude on intellectual property. It mostly comes from these working groups consisting of employees of too many big companies. They are all cross-licensed with another, and don't give a hoot if their standards can't be implemented by any merely medium-sized enterprise.

    But we fixed that at W3C. We got a compromise. The community isn't used to compromise.


  • Well, basically you are saying that software patents suck, and that in the context of software patents, free software is in deep trouble. Of course I agree.

    Now, let's get to the matter of whether a license is OSD-compliant or not. In Open Source licensing, a copyright holder conveys rights to others. The OSD specifies what rights that copyright holder must convey for their license to be considered Open Source. The copyright holder doesn't have any control regarding the patent rights of third parties. Thus, I don't see any point in requiring the copyright holder to first obtain a non-scope-limited license, applying to everyone in the world, to every patent that the software might infringe upon. I dare you to even find out what patents those would be for any non-trivial program. Patent searches are never provably exhaustive. Thus, I could contend, following your rationale, that no software is Open Source, because all non-trivial software submitted as Open Source is potentially infringing of an issued patent. So, my contention is that the OSD would indeed not achieve anything if your rationale was followed.

    Now, there is a potential pernicious case in which the copyright holder has a license that the community doesn't, and thus can make use of community-submitted code that others can not. If the copyright holder uses that license to their advantage, by working in collusion with the patent holder to deny commercial use of the code to others, I would contend that the copyright holder does have at least partial control and that the software in question might well not be considered Open Source. I don't yet know what to do about this.



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