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8 Days Remain For USPTO Advisory Nominations 8

Ender, Duke_of_URL writes: "The Federal Register (PDF) announced the April 12th deadline to nominate someone to the US Patent and Trademark Office's Patent Public Advisory Committee. You can nominate any US citizen by sending a letter and the person's resume can be sent by email."
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8 Days Remain For USPTO Advisory Nominations

Comments Filter:
  • Since there's nothing particular mentioned in the document, may I suggest:

    • curious
    • methodical
    • skeptical
    • incorruptible
    • persistent
    Alternatively, anyone who is against software patents.
  • This is not current, if you look closely, the time expired one year ago. It is dated 2001, not 2002! However, if it were current I believe that we should have nominated CmdrTaco for this position. He would likely be hard on software patents and besides he will soon have a bride [] to support.
  • Stallman? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by zangdesign ( 462534 ) on Thursday April 04, 2002 @06:48PM (#3287488) Journal
    Wait, you want to nominate a guy who is against patents to the Patent Advisory Board? They already have enough problems getting things done, he would completely halt the process.

    Aside from which, we know his feelings about software patents, but his stance on other patents has never been given? Does he believe there is such a thing as a legitimate patent?

    This would be the equivalent of putting the Taliban in charge of Equal Rights (A bit harsh, but you get the idea).
  • No, you don't know who I am, but I can do the job, honest. I promise to only take really REALLY big bribes.

What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
