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5687 Kerry Concedes Election To Bush by timothy
4183 Strike on Iraq by CmdrTaco
3709 Barack Obama Wins US Presidency by CmdrTaco
3468 Six Bomb Blasts Around Central London by Zonk
3451 Equal Time For Creationism by Zonk
3360 Creationist Textbook Stickers Declared Unconstitutional by CowboyNeal
3315 The Pseudoscience of Intelligent Design by Hemos
3314 Saddam Hussein Arrested by CmdrTaco
3265 Fahrenheit 9/11 Discussion by CmdrTaco
3212 What's Keeping You On Windows? by Cliff

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18336742 Slashdot infringing on Microsoft patent #US5819032 by Hemos
11706024 ISP Owner Who Fought FBI Spying Freed From Gag Order by timothy
6392532 IBM Wants Linux by CmdrTaco
6123197 Ask Slashdot: What Can You Do About SOPA and PIPA? by Soulskill
5725448 Sir Tim Berners-Lee Speaks Out On SOPA by samzenpus
3540741 Can Cow Backpacks Reduce Global Methane Emissions? by EditorDavid
3027599 Slashback: IceWeasel, Online Gambling, GPU Folding, Evolution by kdawson
2937659 Apple Says iOS Apps Created Estimated 300,000 US Jobs Since April 2019 by msmash
2731750 Plans For .xxx Domain For p0rn Scrapped by Hemos
1547241 IT Decisions Makers and Executives Don't Agree On Cyber Security Responsibility by msmash

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31979 timothy
27879 msmash
24438 BeauHD
17886 Soulskill
17088 samzenpus
15344 CmdrTaco
12761 Zonk
11921 EditorDavid
9932 michael
7892 Cliff

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1825 theodp
1294 schwit1
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936 sciencehabit
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692 coondoggie
631 Hugh Pickens writes
609 Nerval's Lobster

Most Active Poll Topics

2181582 Will you marry me?
1036077 Best Summer Concert
782957 Which is it:
112398 Who Should be Naked at ALS?
108603 My favorite Linux Distribution is:
106080 Who will you vote for?
100912 Favorite Sci-Fi Ship?
99548 Most Used Key Combo
97830 Most Likely to Take Over the World?
93410 Xbox 360?

Most Active Stories

1605 Trump Wins US Presidency For Second Time by BeauHD
948 FBI Has 'Gained Access' To the Trump Rally Shooter's Phone [UPDATE] by msmash
751 Exploding Pagers Injure Thousands Across Lebanon by msmash
687 US President Biden Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection by EditorDavid
613 America's Used EV Price Crash Keeps Getting Deeper by EditorDavid
557 Frozen Embryos Are 'Children,' According To Alabama's Supreme Court by BeauHD
522 Google Workers Protest Cloud Contract With Israel's Government by BeauHD
522 EVs Are Just Going To Win by msmash
506 Taylor Swift Endorses Kamala Harris In Response To Fake AI Trump Endorsement by BeauHD
482 Walkie-Talkies, Solar Energy Systems Explode Across Lebanon in Second Wave After Pager Attack by msmash

Most Visited Stories

97170 FBI Has 'Gained Access' To the Trump Rally Shooter's Phone [UPDATE] by msmash
77426 Musk Predicts AI Will Overtake Human Intelligence Next Year by msmash
70676 Google Workers Protest Cloud Contract With Israel's Government by BeauHD
70645 Airlines Are Coming for Your Carry-Ons by msmash
69347 US President Biden Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection by EditorDavid
68393 Elon Musk Says AI Could Eliminate Our Need to Work at Jobs by EditorDavid
64854 32-Hour Workweek for America Proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders by EditorDavid
64584 OpenAI Unveils Cheaper Small AI Model GPT-4o Mini by BeauHD
63570 Exploding Pagers Injure Thousands Across Lebanon by msmash
63247 Frozen Embryos Are 'Children,' According To Alabama's Supreme Court by BeauHD

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2888 msmash
2562 BeauHD
1378 EditorDavid
61 FirehoseFavorites
3 Slashdot Staff

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68 schwit1
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11 snydeq

Most Active Poll Topics

21973 Who do you predict will be elected as the next president of the United States?
21653 Which desktop OS do you prefer?
20260 Your main desktop OS at home is:
15623 What sort of typist are you?
14932 Is NVIDIA:
13928 Will ByteDance be forced to divest TikTok
12488 Will the United States government establish a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve before 2026?
8668 What's the highest dollar price will Bitcoin reach in 2024?
7569 Windows on ARM is poised to take off. Who is going to be the ARM CPU supplier of choice for Windows?
5480 How many devices are connected to your home WiFi network?

Generated on Wednesday January 22, 2025 @03:56AM

The 11 is for people with the pride of a 10 and the pocketbook of an 8. -- R.B. Greenberg [referring to PDPs?]
